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Hosted Games Schedule 2.0

over 7 years

Since there is nobody to update the old Hosted Games Schedule anymore i've decided that I will keep track of the hosted games. I'll make it identical to the last one since it will be easier to understand.

Post In the comments your time and date and i will write it down!

The Timezone Will be EST like always

The AM is to distinguish for morning players during the EST period, even if that's afternoon or evening for you non-Americans!


Time Slots

January, 2018

Friday, January 5th PM: nattless's Game At @ 8PM EST

Saturday, January 6th AM: HighSpace's Big Brother @ 10 AM EST

Saturday, January 6th PM: jgriff's Griffvivor 13: All-Stars @ 7PM EST

Sunday, January 7th AM:

Sunday, January 7th PM: rs1993's RSSurivor Season 25 @ 6PM EST

Monday, January 8th AM:

Monday, January 8th PM:

Tuesday, January 9th AM:

Tuesday, January 9th PM:

Wednesday, January 10th AM:

Wednesday, January 10th PM: beastman2764's BeastVivor 3 @ 1PM EST

Thursday, January 11th AM:

Thursday, January 11th PM:

Friday, January 12th AM:

Friday, January 12th PM: eat's EatemupVivor 16 @ 7PM EST

Saturday, January 13th AM:

Saturday, January 13th PM: ShiroWhite's Big Brother 7PM EST

Sunday, January 14th AM:

Sunday, January 14th PM: rs1993's Survivor @ 6PM EST

Monday, January 15th AM:

Monday, January 15th PM:

Tuesday, January 16th AM:

Tuesday, January 16th PM:

Wednesday, January 17th AM:

Wednesday, January 17th PM:

Thursday, January 18th AM:

Thursday, January 18th PM:

Friday, January 19th AM:

Friday, January 19th PM: GoldAce154's GoldVivor @ 7:30 PM EST

Saturday, January 20th AM:

Saturday, January 20th PM: eatemuptigs & nattless anonvivor @ 8PM EST

Sunday, January 21st AM:

Sunday, January 21st PM: rs1993's Survivor @ 6PM EST

Monday, January 22nd AM:

Monday, January 22nd PM:

Tuesday, January 23rd AM:

Tuesday, January 23rd PM:

Wednesday, January 24th AM:

Wednesday, January 24th PM:

Thursday, January 25th AM:

Thursday, January 25th PM:

Friday, January 26th AM:

Friday, January 26th PM:

Saturday, January 27th AM:

Saturday, January 27th PM: jgriff's Griffvivor 14: Serpant Bay @7PM

Sunday, January 28th AM:

Sunday, January 28th PM:

Continuous Games, Forum Games

Games that you enjoy hosting the most?
Big Brother
The Weakest Link
The Amazing Race
The Mole
Hunger Games
Jury Duty
The Apprentice
I Love Karma
about 7 years
I am hosting a survivor game tomorrow at 9 am est
about 7 years
No worries Dari! Although you still haven't updated May 7th lol sorry to be a pain!
about 7 years
I'm deciding to cancel my game on the 28th at 8:00 pm est, since someone else is hosting a game on that day as well. Sorry about that to anyone who actually wanted to play
about 7 years
updated and sorry rs1993
about 7 years
The game that's May 13th (Saturday) will be Until Dawn BB III, cohosted by xSoniaNeverMindx
about 7 years
Dari you didn't update mine lol. I will also reserve Monday the 1st at 6pm est for survivor!
about 7 years
Take off my spot
about 7 years

Dariukas47 says

UltraAug says

Reserving this Wednesday 7:00 pm

what game mode or you just want me to leave me w/o a game mode?

about 7 years

UltraAug says

Reserving this Wednesday 7:00 pm

what game mode or you just want me to leave me w/o a game mode?
about 7 years
I will reserve May 7th at 6pm est for Survivor please!
about 7 years
Reserving this Wednesday 7:00 pm
about 7 years
about 7 years
Howdy, I would like to reserve May 3rd at 8:00pm EST, May 6th at 8:00pm EST, and May 13th 8:00pm EST. Will hsve the set games later this week since I have to make sure its workable
about 7 years
I'll reserve Thursday April 27th 8 PM EST for a TribeVivor.
about 7 years
I'd like to reserve May 6th for Morning All-Stars 2 (invitation only). Time TBD, but it will be 8 or 9AM EST.
about 7 years
about 7 years
i'll update it tmrw i'm busy with something in life
deletedabout 7 years
I'll also reserve May 5th for 7:00 PM for EatBB 3!
deletedabout 7 years
On May the 4th be with you at 7:00 PM, I'll be hosting a Star Wars themed Survivor!
about 7 years
On May 12th 8:00pm EST, natless and I wll be hosting Nicevivor! Thread will be posted sometime!
about 7 years
about 7 years
All Stars will be on April 28th 8:30 or 9:00 PM EST! I know it also contradict Rye's game but I talked to her and she said she will be fine hosting for people who arent playing in my game.
about 7 years
about 7 years

Pin this to my game please.
about 7 years
Hi Dari, please can I cancel my game on Sunday, as I won't be back from my Easter holiday on time. I'll move it to Sunday the 23rd instead at the same time please.