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Ethic of Modship and Ownership

over 8 years

Hi friends, Freds, and other honorable and dishonorable members of the Epicmafia Community,

What our community lacks is a reflection upon the ethics of modship and ownership of lobbies in Epicmafia, more accordingly with Sandbox statehood. In compliance with the social contract theory, all individuals should agree to the way in which they are governed. Here we are to discuss the pros and cons of even having Sandbox mods and, for that part, an owner. What rights and responsibilities should both the mods and owner have? Of course, mods and the owner are entitled to the same rights as any of us in the judicial system, but how are they different in terms of maintenance of social order?

I call for reform in the ownership process. It should not be that owners possess powers until they decide to hand them down to a heir. Ownership, if necessary, should be elected and time process. Owners should be in office no more than a quarter of a year. Re-elections, in my opinion, should not be entitled to an individual for another two terms. For example, if Bebop were to become owner between January and March, he would unable be able to regain his title until October only then to give it up in December. I would like to hear intriguing arguments!

over 8 years
Demod trick.
over 8 years

Bebop says

SuperCliquey says

Bebop says

elections are a categorical no

"Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people."

I bet the Clique did this.

the community doesn't have a large enough playerbase to elect a parliament of 600 users, apologies.

thats what an oligarch would say
deletedover 8 years
i have a prototypical list of demands already laid out:

1. demod error
2. demod error
3. demod error
4. buy us lots of diapers
over 8 years
we need to elect a sandbox union leader to represent us and take all our concerns and demands to the sandbox owner for negotiation
over 8 years

Christopherzilla says

I unironically nominate Golbolco

someone make an elections thread with a poll

Kagerrou made a petition a while back.
over 8 years

Christopherzilla says

I unironically nominate Golbolco

someone make an elections thread with a poll

over 8 years
I unironically nominate Golbolco

someone make an elections thread with a poll
over 8 years
Good thing ObitoSigma hasn't even proposed that the playerbase elects a parliament of 600 users. Nice strawman.

I don't even support or oppose the idea of elections in Sandbox. I do think the people in charge of the lobby need to be held accountable to the people and make good on the promises they make though, which is something you severely fail at, Bebop. I don't know if a democracy is the best way to do that or if there are alternatives.
deletedover 8 years

Bebop says

SuperCliquey says

Bebop says

elections are a categorical no

"Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people."

I bet the Clique did this.

the community doesn't have a large enough playerbase to elect a parliament of 600 users, apologies.

if we're going by bodily proportions alone i'd say we have a solid 400 already from jamalmarley
deletedover 8 years
SirAmelio is a man of the people we're already represented
deletedover 8 years
I vote for Golbolco
over 8 years

SuperCliquey says

Bebop says

elections are a categorical no

"Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people."

I bet the Clique did this.

the community doesn't have a large enough playerbase to elect a parliament of 600 users, apologies.
over 8 years

Bebop says

elections are a categorical no

"Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people."

I bet the Clique did this.
over 8 years
i know who doesn't have your vote too; anyone. because elections wont work and consequently wont happen.
over 8 years
i agree with the not funny part
over 8 years
Did you just call Sandbox "funny?" Sandbox is serious business, buddy. We don't mess around here. What, do you think it's cool or hip to prance around in a clown suit and tell knock-knock jokes? Film prank videos where you say something offensive to anger black people? In Sandbox we talk about important things, Bebop. Always have, always will. We talk about things like the stock market and MeetTerry thread topics, nothing here is "funny," pal.

I know who doesn't have my vote.
over 8 years

tigermom says

Dear Sandboxers, every time before you decide to create a thread like this think: "This is Sandbox. This is only an internet community. I do not need to spend 20 minutes creating a thread for it. Three times later this will all be irrelevant."

i dont think it took 20 minutes to post this
over 8 years

Golbolco says

SirAmelio says

also the circlejerks got stronger so its obvius an election wouldnt be objective by most people and the most circlejerked would win (just like it happened when they removed golbolco after she usurped kenny)

Doesn't that imply that real-life elections are anything more than their own circlejerks? We don't have political party loyalty for nothing.

people tend to care more about real life elections than funny internet ones. also not everybody can/will run irl.
over 8 years
Dear Sandboxers, every time before you decide to create a thread like this think: "This is Sandbox. This is only an internet community. I do not need to spend 20 minutes creating a thread for it. Three times later this will all be irrelevant."

P.S. You may mute me but you shall never stop the ideas! You're all wasting your life away! On Epic Mafia! This website is evil! You shall die at the age of 70 without ever having done anything!!1111111111111111111111111
over 8 years

SirAmelio says

also the circlejerks got stronger so its obvius an election wouldnt be objective by most people and the most circlejerked would win (just like it happened when they removed golbolco after she usurped kenny)

Doesn't that imply that real-life elections are anything more than their own circlejerks? We don't have political party loyalty for nothing.
over 8 years

SirAmelio says

cub says

the first lobby owner was selected by popular vote

times change, people actually want **** moderated now while back in chris' days no one cared

nobody wants moderation

also the circlejerks got stronger so its obvius an election wouldnt be objective by most people and the most circlejerked would win (just like it happened when they removed golbolco after she usurped kenny)

so what youre telling me is elections will be more biased than an actual circle of friends modding eachother
deletedover 8 years
the ethics of poo poo and pee pee
over 8 years

cub says

the first lobby owner was selected by popular vote

times change, people actually want **** moderated now while back in chris' days no one cared

also the circlejerks got stronger so its obvius an election wouldnt be objective by most people and the most circlejerked would win (just like it happened when they removed golbolco after she usurped kenny)
over 8 years
the first lobby owner was selected by popular vote
over 8 years
elections are a categorical no