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Current Emotes

deletedalmost 8 years

I will try to keep this updated with all the current emotes.

Current lobby emote list:











Site emotes: Open image in another tab/window to enlarge

In the order shown above: :) :( :o :| :p :@ o.o o_o zzz -@ :3 ;) :bats: :boar: :rip: <3 :wolf: :bunny: :ghost: :snake: :knife: :doge: :star: :rainbow: :horse: :mermaid: :rose: :bump: :clock: ;-; ;_; :cookie: :hammer: :panda: :penguin: :pizza: :sheep: :shotgun: :tiger: :unicorn: :cupcake: :cat: :fox: :turkey: :santa: :christmas: :snowman: :candycane: :lion: :cake:

Also can use this thread to drop any future rotate/emote suggestions, rotate gets changed every couple of weeks.

How long should each rotate stay?
I won't give you the satisfaction of a meme option
1-2 weeks
2-4 weeks
1 month
over 7 years

Make these emotes
over 7 years
make dancing ghost new rotate plz and thnx
over 7 years
I think she's referring to that error emote.
deletedover 7 years
What black guy
over 7 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

Ohdearmycatisgone says

new rotate!

Okay it's been 2 weeks with our lovely Carlton and so it is time to start suggesting the next rotate!
Personally I think a halloween-y one would be cute.

I think we should return the black guy and maybe make his face rotate (because it's called rotate not static after all)
deletedover 7 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

new rotate!

Okay it's been 2 weeks with our lovely Carlton and so it is time to start suggesting the next rotate!
Personally I think a halloween-y one would be cute.

almost 8 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

Christopherzilla says

Can we have this as our October fufu?

deletedalmost 8 years

Christopherzilla says

Can we have this as our October fufu?
almost 8 years
The people want :dikdik:
almost 8 years
when can we delete that ugly quiggle emote
almost 8 years

there's a link to the fufu Google Drive thing incase fufus are required for anything
almost 8 years
bring back hamtaro
almost 8 years
someone oughta start a countdown so that we don't have to repeat this fiasco
deletedalmost 8 years
new rotate!
almost 8 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

the most important one of them all
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
I don't like the current fufu
almost 8 years
bring back fuuf and I'll love you forever

WWYBWDS is also acceptable
almost 8 years
id keep a fufu, just not that one
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

id vote to change basically all of them

leave fufu alone, you monster
almost 8 years
bring back :dikdik:
almost 8 years
id vote to change basically all of them
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
I endorse this thread.
deletedalmost 8 years
bump to show this thread exists