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Casanova AMA!

deletedalmost 8 years

please ask me anything !

i will ... answer

deletedalmost 8 years

Ace says

fav time of the day? :D
almost 8 years
fav time of the day? :D
deletedalmost 8 years

baabaa says

thoughts on sheep?

deletedalmost 8 years

Ashe says

what if i told you i mained bard and went 13/2/8 with Warmogs and spirit visage.. would be not be friends

every bard i have ever played with has been useless after 5 mins and then just fed their a$$ off so we would be friends bc ur the first bard ive ever heard of not being garbage
almost 8 years
thoughts on sheep?
almost 8 years
what if i told you i mained bard and went 13/2/8 with Warmogs and spirit visage.. would be not be friends
deletedalmost 8 years

OhLookACat says

mahiru koizumi took nude pics oh hajime hinata... how does this make you feel?

hey follow the leader amirite lol cmere olac ..
almost 8 years
mahiru koizumi took nude pics oh hajime hinata... how does this make you feel?
deletedalmost 8 years

meowmeulin says

where is kuzu

in the future arc? on the s.s koizumi, heading to the future foundation hq

if u mean not the anime:

- kuzuryuufuyuhikoo is dead

- and fuyuhiko is in my heart
almost 8 years
where is kuzu
deletedalmost 8 years

Herredy says

Thoughts on the new Yorick? :P

i'm just waiting for riot to buff him into op territory so people will play him
deletedalmost 8 years
Thoughts on the new Yorick? :P
deletedalmost 8 years

Art says

not a fan of this AMA anymore

no ones a fan of males anyway :) so :)
deletedalmost 8 years
not a fan of this AMA anymore
deletedalmost 8 years

Art says

whats ur opinion on graves mains :)

deletedalmost 8 years
whats ur opinion on graves mains :)
deletedalmost 8 years

Art says

whats ur opinion on darius and darius mains

@ anyone who has ever even played darius :

deletedalmost 8 years
whats ur opinion on darius and darius mains
deletedalmost 8 years

OhLookACat says

where have you been all my life

im right here mr ... i luv u
deletedalmost 8 years

sl0nderman says

why are you so basic lol

mad cus u know nami > naga siren
almost 8 years
where have you been all my life
almost 8 years
why are you so basic lol
deletedalmost 8 years

Nocturnul says

have you ever taken a crap and the water splashes up your butt what do you think about that huh

the same feeling i see when nocturnul downvotes my ama -_-
almost 8 years
have you ever taken a crap and the water splashes up your butt what do you think about that huh
deletedalmost 8 years

mist says

are u glad u came back

i'm not like permanently staying ... think of this as like , a little holiday , where i go back and see my PAst .

but overall, it's nice to see some of my old friends i fell out of touch with ... i do miss a lot of people at the same time though but i'm glad they're hopefully moving on from this website and have finally got something better 2 do ...

and i don't see the big fuss everyone makes about em being hard to quit. i selfdeleted and the hardest day was the first. after like 2-3 days i just realised how my life wasnt different in any way when i didnt go on this site and i just moved on with ease

so, to answer ur question: yes and no. it's been a positive experience (so far)