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An Open Letter to Error

deletedabout 8 years

Error, if you end up reading this I hope you know it's not an attack thread. I just wanted you to understand where I was coming from, and where I think a lot of the community is coming from. This is really an open letter to everyone, but I think this is an important thing for everyone to understand.

I'm used to being the butt of a joke. It's been that way for my whole life. My weight, my looks, my hair, my overbite, my bad skin, my "waxy ears" (yes someone made fun of me for having too much earwax), my breath (I now brush my teeth, mouthwash, floss, and use mints/gum excessively), my large posterior, my laugh, my sense of humor, just anything about me that could be made fun of has been made fun of. I got so used to it I started to use the same jokes on myself. It would get laughs, I would feel good about myself, everything was ok. But it wasn't. People saw me for what I was, an insecure kid, and if I could make fun of myself, then people could keep jabbing at me. But it wasn't playful. It wasn't endearing, it wasn't jokes. It was harassment, bullying, insulting, dehumanizing.

Everyone comes to EpicMafia for a reason. My reason is pretty simple: loneliness. I'm not ashamed to say that I don't mesh well with other people. I'm not shy, I'm actually pretty extroverted. I'm talkative, loud, friendly. My problem is I can't really make lasting bonds. I don't know how to make friends. I'm clingy to people that show any sort of likening to me, I bug people, blah blah blah. Long story short, I don't have many friends.

Last year I was depressed. Like really depressed. I couldn't really seem to find a group of friends. I'd hang out with a group of people, they'd seem to like me, then a few weeks later they'd never call me or talk to me again. One part of this was my drinking.

I have an addictive personality. Food, Nicotine, Internet, Drinking, Weed, anything you can become dependent on is dangerous for me. My mom is a recovering alcoholic, my dad (now deceased) had his demons with booze, my aunts and uncles and grandparents on both sides all had stints with AA. I have every reason not to drink, yet I chose too.

Drinking isn't inherently bad. It's a great way to celebrate, to meet people, to loosen up, to add something while watching a game. Abusing drinking is what makes it deadly. I was getting drunk, like a lot. I'd just keep drinking until I blacked out, or puked, or cried, or did something or said something stupid. My friends would be driven away by this, wouldn't want to hang out, get angry at me, give me chance after chance to control it. But I didn't, I started to drink alone. I'd get boozed up and log into epicmafia. I was missing class because of hangovers. I almost lost my internship because of missing work. I was in a really bad place.

Some days I'd get liqoured up and join tinychats, yours or my own, or join Kenny's's, and it would help me I guess. I wouldn't feel like I was alone. I felt like people in Sandbox were my friend's. You were always a bit d!ckish, but a loveable one I guess. you'd say something to me, but you'd say something to everyone so I didn't feel as bad. That's when you started commenting on my bad habits.

You told me I was going to fail out of college, become a burden on my mom, I couldn't handle booze, stuff along those lines. And I felt terrible about myself. Drinking had pushed away my friends and people close to me, and now it was pushing me away from the last thing I had. I was ashamed.

I'm not blaming you Error for my choices. I'm not saying you made me drink. I made those choices. You were just one of many to say something to me, to comment on my habits. I don't think you're a bad dude, I just think you forget you're dealing with people sometimes. Maybe you're dealing with the same problems as me. Maybe you just think you're better than me. Im not here to pyscho analyze you, and im not even asking you to explain yourself.

This isn't an attack on you. This isn't a pity party for me. This is to show you that everyone is dealing with sh!t. I'm sure you have problems too. We all do. God knows I do. I'm sorry for being hard on you for something seemingly insignificant, but the truth is you've always been hard on me, and been hard on a lot of the community members here.

I'm not promising to not drink, I'm not trying to get you to promise to never say a bad thing to anyone. I'm just trying to get everyone to think a little.

You said it best yourself.

Don't be sorry, be better.


almost 8 years

bdog1321 says

This place isn't good for anyone's mental health, no matter what it seems. We need to acknowledge that. The sooner you realize that the better.

That goes for error as well. I can't think of a single person online more than error. And I've noticed lately that he has tried to distance his real life from epicmafia as much as possible. Well, you can't. Not spending as much time here as you do. It is absolutely a detriment to your psyche and I think it would do you a lot of good to take some time off or limit your time here. I know it has for me. Screw being a mod man, that isn't important. And when you get multiple threads that basically turn into interventions, it's time to take a step back. You have a lot of things you need to work on, as do we all, and being here all the time isn't going to help you; same goes for everyone else here. For all of the bad blood between us in the past, I want to see you do well in your life.

Yo I don't want to say I told you so
about 8 years
ever wonder why he didn't post here
about 8 years
i don't know what u dudes did over here, but mac you'll figure it out dude
deletedabout 8 years

LeftSharky says

Anyone who treats epicmafia/sandbox like a social network site and not just a place to screw around playing mafia online needs to take a step back and make friends in real life.

I'm not saying EM ruined my life or people from EM made me make my poor choices. I'm saying I had a lot on my plate, and when I would come here to escape or have fun or screw around, the last thing I wanted was to be treated like I was in real life.

But ya I'm trying to make some friends, not as easy as it sounds
deletedabout 8 years

izzy says

i'm proud of you for posting this dude. appealing with emotions is usually my go-to as well.

however, we are all broken people who spend too much time on the internet because of the failures in our real lives. i learned firsthand how damaging it is to associate your online life and real life too closely. please, if you feel as though the internet is all you have, GET HELP.

(this isn't directed at you mac, it's directed towards everyone. i believe in you my man <3)

I just wanted to make clear that I am by no means asking you guys for help in this topic. I really appreciate all the kind words and PMs and comments, but i have been working out a lot of my problems with my girlfriend and family.

This was more to put a face behind a user. To show you how a comment about someone can really affect them. You don't know what someone is going through, you don't know their story.

My point is everyone has problems and stuff like this they experience, and when we have mods even making insults, it is counter productive towards our goal of being a community. I was trying to explain why I reacted the way I did, and why I felt the community reacted the same.

But again, thank you to everyone for all the kind words, PMs, comments, everything. I'm speechless, because you guys are awesome.
deletedabout 8 years
ps mac i, too, feel like i got a lotta earwax :( but i never bother to check other ppls ears so i dont have much to compare off of (which is weird that ppl were checking ur ears out) ................................ i just am always amazed that i seem to constantly have dirty ears? how and why............ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about 8 years
Thank you for being open and honest, Mac :) I'm really proud of you just a human being. Glad I know you and glad you're trying to help us all out :)
deletedabout 8 years
Tldr dont care lol
deletedabout 8 years
i also think em should be more empathetic and caring towards each other ^_____^ ty for sharing mac! did u check out my thread abt men being unable to safely & comfortably show affection towards each other? i feel like its a subject that relates to the points u are trying to make! not trying to plug myself im just trying 2 keep u on this wonderful boat u r building.

less meanness, more kindness! yeah!!!!!

(this means no more slurs, u guys)
deletedabout 8 years
i'm proud of you for posting this dude. appealing with emotions is usually my go-to as well.

however, we are all broken people who spend too much time on the internet because of the failures in our real lives. i learned firsthand how damaging it is to associate your online life and real life too closely. please, if you feel as though the internet is all you have, GET HELP.

(this isn't directed at you mac, it's directed towards everyone. i believe in you my man <3)
about 8 years
^^ What are friends
deletedabout 8 years
Anyone who treats epicmafia/sandbox like a social network site and not just a place to screw around playing mafia online needs to take a step back and make friends in real life.
about 8 years
This place isn't good for anyone's mental health, no matter what it seems. We need to acknowledge that. The sooner you realize that the better.

That goes for error as well. I can't think of a single person online more than error. And I've noticed lately that he has tried to distance his real life from epicmafia as much as possible. Well, you can't. Not spending as much time here as you do. It is absolutely a detriment to your psyche and I think it would do you a lot of good to take some time off or limit your time here. I know it has for me. Screw being a mod man, that isn't important. And when you get multiple threads that basically turn into interventions, it's time to take a step back. You have a lot of things you need to work on, as do we all, and being here all the time isn't going to help you; same goes for everyone else here. For all of the bad blood between us in the past, I want to see you do well in your life.
deletedabout 8 years
Error, if you end up reading this I hope you know it's not an attack thread. I just wanted you to understand where I was coming from, and where I think a lot of the community is coming from. This is really an open letter to everyone, but I think this is an important thing for everyone to understand.
deletedabout 8 years

Merlot says


Thank you, and I really like the way you worded your first two paragraphs. This is not a thread to toss insults at Error, or anyone else. because plenty of users are guilty of the same thing. This is just something WE ALL need to work on, myself included.
about 8 years
I think we just need to be reminded that we're people, not just online personalities.
about 8 years
while i don't particularly want to comment on your speech directed at error, nor is it my place to make comments really on your personal place at any given moment, i fully agree with the idea of treating other people with more empathy on this website, and the last few days it's really become apparent how easily others will attack one another in order to prove a moral high-ground, or "further the community" (the concept of a 'community' as a whole is ridiculous because of the wide variety of people here) and in general just...don't care who they hurt.

i think that trying to understand others, no matter how small the ground gained in learning more about another person here, is one of the best things anyone can do. there's no point in attacking a person unless they do something truly reprehensible (though rarely will we ever encounter a person like this on epicmafia, and even then "attacking" perhaps isn't the best word) but nonetheless, trying to approach people with kindness will always be the best option whenever possible. this is not a plea to ask people to like everyone and get along with those who you do not agree with on a personal level, but rather it is just asking: is it worth it to attack people you dislike so vehemently for your own personal vendettas?

while i do believe that this post in general has rambled away from the point i was trying to make, i am proud that you are attempting to better yourself and that you have improved as a person over the past few years, mac. it is always good for people to approve. though i know you only on a shallow level, i hope that your life continues to improve and that this thread will influence others, no matter how little, to treat people a little kinder on this website.

stay strong, bro
deletedabout 8 years

JamalMarley says

tigermom says

P.P.S. Or, he doesn't really have the "I f*cked up my life" problems I always hypothesize he does and instead is just a very obnoxious, f*ckboish unempathetic jerk in which case I sincerely apologize to myself for devoting my time to try to understand him. To be frank, at first I did write him off as only this but then I noticed most, if not all of his "cruel" jokes revolved around the problem of being a loser in life...

But he does have problems like that. Error is lonely and whines about it regularly when it gets too much for him and he just breaks down, that's why he is always on this site, that's why he picks on other users -- to make himself feel better. He has bipolar tendencies where one day he is above us all and trying to bring us all down to his actual level and other days where he just brings everyone down to his level by whining and whining until we all pity him. He also needs help but instead he chooses to spend his days on this site and drink himself drunk every night on EpicMafia.

Stop. This is not an attack thread. Insulting someone like this isn't the answer. The whole point of this is for us to all learn something as a community.
about 8 years

tigermom says

P.P.S. Or, he doesn't really have the "I f*cked up my life" problems I always hypothesize he does and instead is just a very obnoxious, f*ckboish unempathetic jerk in which case I sincerely apologize to myself for devoting my time to try to understand him. To be frank, at first I did write him off as only this but then I noticed most, if not all of his "cruel" jokes revolved around the problem of being a loser in life...

But he does have problems like that. Error is lonely and whines about it regularly when it gets too much for him and he just breaks down, that's why he is always on this site, that's why he picks on other users -- to make himself feel better. He has bipolar tendencies where one day he is above us all and trying to bring us all down to his actual level and other days where he just brings everyone down to his level by whining and whining until we all pity him. He also needs help but instead he chooses to spend his days on this site and drink himself drunk every night on EpicMafia.
about 8 years

tigermom says

You know, it's pathetic to me how Terry gets demodded over saying "your feelings are irrelevant" to suicidal people yet error keeps telling all these people on Sandbox how they're nothing or how they're gonna ruin their lives and gets way with it. I'm pretty sure at least some, if not the majority, of the people he attacked really DO have some problems in their lives and error telling them stuff like this surely does harm. Think about it this way: how helpful is it telling a depressed person their life sucks?

But he's a really good mod that does a lot
deletedabout 8 years

tigermom says

P.P.S. Or, he doesn't really have the "I f*cked up my life" problems I always hypothesize he does and instead is just a very obnoxious, f*ckboish unempathetic jerk in which case I sincerely apologize to myself for devoting my time to try to understand him. To be frank, at first I did write him off as only this but then I noticed most, if not all of his "cruel" jokes revolved around the problem of being a loser in life...

To set the record, I don't think namecalling will solve anything. Attack someone will not help them understand, which is the point of this thread. That is why you are muted.
deletedabout 8 years
Stay strong Mac!
about 8 years
love you peepee. hmu if you ever need anything
deletedabout 8 years

tigermom says

P.P.S. Or, he doesn't really have the "I f*cked up my life" problems I always hypothesize he does and instead is just a very obnoxious, f*ckboish unempathetic jerk in which case I sincerely apologize to myself for devoting my time to try to understand him. To be frank, at first I did write him off as only this but then I noticed most, if not all of his "cruel" jokes revolved around the problem of being a loser in life...

this isnt an attack thread
about 8 years
you are literally a degenerate LMAO