How often do you shave? Do you go against the grain or with it? Do you shave here, there, and everywhere? Do you try to keep a stubble, a beard, or stay clean-shaven?
I use a double safety razor. They are cheap, sharp and provide very close shave. It takes some getting used to. Unlike a disposable razor, you can ding yourself up pretty bad/quickly. A replacement double safety razor costs $.05 or $.25.
update 11 months later I don't do this anymore bc my beard grows in a lot more full now so I just shave every few weeks now when I'm bored of the beard
I usually go clean in summer because it goes better with a lot of what I wear, though I recently had to get a new shaver and it's fùcking AIDS so I've just been skimping on it.
I hate being clean shaven as it makes me look super young, but will shave with the grain once a week to stop myself looking dirty, since I don't get full coverage, so growing it out will just look sad
I hate being clean shaven as it makes me look super young, but will shave with the grain once a week to stop myself looking dirty, since I don't get full coverage, so growing it out will just look sad