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Nat's Song Thread

about 8 years

Hi All,

I saw deandean do something similar to this, and really liked the idea so thought I'd give it a go, seeing as my ipod keeps throwing songs at me that remind me of you lovely people :-)

If you would like me to find a song that makes me think of you, post here and I'll do my best to let you know which song and why.


(thanks deandean for the inspiration!)

Additional note: Probably should have warned you in advance that I have an obscure taste in music :-/

about 8 years

TennisBallBFDI2 says

Hey Nattless

Ivory - Movement

Tennis ^.^ you are always such a super chilled and happy person! I don't think I've ever seen you let anything phase you, in game or out of game, and I always have such a fun time playing with you. I chose this song because it is super chilled, perfect for a night of board games or hangs with friends and just reeks of good vibes.
about 8 years
skip to me or I'm salty
about 8 years

Lelmoo says


Jonathan Boulet - A Community Service Announcement (i couldn't find it on youtube :-/)

Lelmoo! I haven't spoken to you much, but when I have you've always been super fun to talk to. You seem like a super chilled person who brings happiness to the group, and so I felt like this song was appropriate. It's a super chilled, extremely happy song which gives me those good feels every time.
about 8 years

N1ed says


Hot Chip - I Feel Better

N1ed! You were among the first people to speak to me in this lobby, and you made me feel so welcome among a crowd of totally unfamiliar people! I played a game with you a couple of weeks ago in which you and I both tried our hardest to help a new person succeed, you sacrificing your own game to do so. That showed me what kind of person you are. Super chilled, and always looking out for those around you. I chose this song, because depending on what mood you're in when you listen to it, this song can be either super chilled, or incredibly motivating.
about 8 years

VWXYZ says

i want to see this lmfao

COG - Bird of Feather

VWXYZ, you're one of the most unfiltered people I have ever met; you are never afraid to speak your mind, regardless of whether what you say will be well received. That being said, I truly believe your intentions are almost almost always good. I have a lot of respect for you as a person and as a player, because I think it takes a certain type of person to express themselves so openly. COG is an Australian (ew) band, and one of my absolute favourites. I think they express themselves similarly, in that they are completely raw in their music. I saw them live a few weeks ago for the first time in years, and they've been on my high rotation playlist ever since.
about 8 years
about 8 years
yus pls
about 8 years

Laxuy says

hi natt

Queens of the Stone Age - Smooth Sailing

Laxuy! Although we haven't known each other for a super long time, you've quickly grown to be one of my favourite people on this website! Whether it be during the quiz, during a game of sab, or while you kick my butt in TWL, you're always extremely funny, easy to talk to, and someone I am super pleased to know. You make me feel appreciated.
This song reminded me of you because it is so chill, it seems like such a heavy song, but it's incredibly cruisey and so easy to listen to. It has a strength to it that keeps you focussed, but never controls you.
deletedabout 8 years
aww this is so sweet tbh <3 the song is so my style too omg
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years

belle says


Ásgeir - Torrent

Hiya Annabelle :-) This was a super tricky one for me, because although we have only spoken a couple of times, somehow I felt I have connected more with you than most of the people I have come across on this site. The first time I spoke to you was in your trophy game, where you were exceptionally kind to me, and came across as an incredibly sweet person, so I wanted to find a song that reflected that. But as I played a few more games with you, and spoke to you more, I came to appreciate what a strong person and player you are. Your thread created today, encouraging this community to be loving and kind truly reflects the kind of person I perceive you to be. SO: I wanted to try and find a song that reflected all of that, and after much narrowing down, I chose this one. It speaks to me because it was part of a playlist that helped me get through a particularly tricky spot in my life. It's one of my go-to songs when I want inspiration and/or motivation. I see it as a song that builds up, shows it's strength and inspires me every time I hear it.
about 8 years

coolkidrox123 says


Darwin Deez - Radar Detector

Roxy! You are one of the people who truly brings this lobby to life! You are so full of energy, but also so down to Earth in terms of your thoughts and the way you express yourself. You make me laugh daily, and your presence brings a smile to my face - just like this song! This song reminds me of you because it never slows down, it gives you all of the feel good feels, and it also captures your attention from start to finish.
about 8 years
First one is for Moomo, who is unable to post for themselves:

Old Man River - Clap Your Hands (cover)

The first time I had a proper discussion with you was a few weeks ago where you introduced me to a personality test and we discussed it for a little while. You then not only remembered who I was, but followed up on our conversation several times. This showed me that you give your all to any conversation, you invest in people and you are caring in nature. In addition to the above, you're also a super fun person to talk to, but can be incredibly chilled. You're resolute in your opinions, and you always have something to contribute. This song made me think of you because it is so incredibly fun, and it reminds me of nights spent camping with friends. It's a feel good song!
deletedabout 8 years
We don't speak very often but I would love one. <3
deletedabout 8 years
me too :0
about 8 years
hiya i'm ready
about 8 years
about 8 years
eh ok
deletedabout 8 years
Omg natt yes
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
Hey Nattless
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
i want to see this lmfao