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Nat's Song Thread

about 8 years

Hi All,

I saw deandean do something similar to this, and really liked the idea so thought I'd give it a go, seeing as my ipod keeps throwing songs at me that remind me of you lovely people :-)

If you would like me to find a song that makes me think of you, post here and I'll do my best to let you know which song and why.


(thanks deandean for the inspiration!)

Additional note: Probably should have warned you in advance that I have an obscure taste in music :-/

about 8 years
Hohoho :)
about 8 years

Logan says

Hi give me a song before you go to bed too pls

Glass Animals - Youth

Hi Logan! Sorry this is a bit delayed! I don't know you super well, but every time I've seen you around, or had a chat with you you've struck me as super friendly! I see you as an easy-going, chilled person who has a great sense of humour. This is a newer song that I stumbled upon last week. I think it's super chilled, it gives me all the good feels and makes me think of road trips with friends. It's one that I can't help but bop along to.
about 8 years

PotatoPlayer says

skip to me or I'm salty

ODESZA - My Friends Never Die

Potato! Hopefully you're not super salty at my lack of queue skipping! You're a super cool guy, who is always willing to give insight and advice where needed. I'm still super grateful that you took the time to help me out when you barely knew me; it shows that you care about those around you, and want to bring out the best in others. You're pretty chilled, but you can be passionate and fierce when you care. I chose this song because it made me think of the constant energy you bring to the table, the positive vibes you carry, and also that fierce side that can come out.
about 8 years

Cody says


Sigur Rós - Sæglópur

Cody, I’ve once again found myself a bit stuck on what to write here. We haven’t known each other for a huge amount of time, but I consider you a close friend within this community. You have an incredibly kind, sweet disposition which you express with a sense of eloquence most of us could merely dream of. Yet at the same time, you have an intelligent and fiery side, which keeps me enthralled. I have thoroughly enjoyed our discussions, and you constantly impress me with your ability to decipher my rants. I found it pretty hard to narrow this down to just one song, because there were a few on the list. The final choice is a pretty strange one, but overall I think appropriate. It’s a beautiful song by a band I would genuinely be willing to sell an organ to see live. I find Sigur Ros to be one of the most compelling, authentic bands I have ever heard; their music has a way of drawing you in, and holding your attention fully. I lose myself within their sounds almost daily. This particular song made me think of you because it is incredibly sweet, mellow, fiery and completely enthralling all at once.
deletedabout 8 years

nattless says

Future says


M83 - Intro

Hiya Calvin! You're another tricky person to choose a song for, because your cool vibes are just super contagious, and it's difficult to find a song that captures that. You've been super kind to me, and helped me out when I needed it, and I see you as a core member of this community, regardless of the fact that we don't know each other super well. I'm pretty sure our total number of actual conversations is at three, and in each of those situations, I came away from it thinking that the people in your life are lucky to have you around. You strike me as a caring, witty and chilled person person, always willing to dedicate time and effort to those around you. So I tried to find a song that captures the cool, and also the chill. I kept coming back to the same song, which I discovered watching The Art of Flight (if you haven't seen this documentary, I 10/10 recommend it, even if only for the soundtrack). This song has one of the most suspenseful build ups, which leads into the most intense drop. It is a song that I listen to when I want to remind myself about the good things in life.

P.S I had a second backup song, but it wasn't quite chilled enough. If you're curious it was:

Nero fan here so i really liked the 2nd one as well, but oh my god you're so sweet i can't believe how kind, warmhearted and affectionate you are. These look like they took quite a bit of effort to type out and honestly everyone should be lucky to have you around.
about 8 years

hedger says

yus pls

Weezer - Say It Ain't So

Meow Hedger :3 You’re one of the most down to earth, genuine people I have had the pleasure of coming across on this site. You never pretend to be anything other than yourself, and I respect you a lot for that. You have a dry sense of humour which I love, and a chilled attitude towards life, which has calmed me down on many occasions. I am always super stoked to see you around; you’re a brilliant player, a wonderful friend, and a super like-able person who has an uncanny ability of making those around them feel at ease. Weezer is a pretty old school band… I listened to them a bunch in high school, and loved their sound. This song reminds me of you because I think it’s just super genuine. It’s a chilled song, but it builds up into something more than any old tune, and always helps me unwind.
deletedabout 8 years
Yo in all seriousness, i've enjoyed like all these songs.
about 8 years
I'm always up for some new music, but excessive swearing is a huge turn off for me.
about 8 years

Future says


M83 - Intro

Hiya Calvin! You're another tricky person to choose a song for, because your cool vibes are just super contagious, and it's difficult to find a song that captures that. You've been super kind to me, and helped me out when I needed it, and I see you as a core member of this community, regardless of the fact that we don't know each other super well. I'm pretty sure our total number of actual conversations is at three, and in each of those situations, I came away from it thinking that the people in your life are lucky to have you around. You strike me as a caring, witty and chilled person person, always willing to dedicate time and effort to those around you. So I tried to find a song that captures the cool, and also the chill. I kept coming back to the same song, which I discovered watching The Art of Flight (if you haven't seen this documentary, I 10/10 recommend it, even if only for the soundtrack). This song has one of the most suspenseful build ups, which leads into the most intense drop. It is a song that I listen to when I want to remind myself about the good things in life.

P.S I had a second backup song, but it wasn't quite chilled enough. If you're curious it was:
about 8 years

JellofishXD says

We don't speak very often but I would love one. <3

The Kite String Tangle - Given The Chance

JellofishXD! Fellow Australian! You're right, we haven't spoken very much, but every time we have, it's been super fun. I've played a bunch of games with you, and have enjoyed allying with you and chatting to you about how bad at challenges we are. You seem like a super chilled person, who is un-phased by the insignificant things in life. This song is one of the most laid-back songs I can remember hearing; it is just super easy-going with a positive vibe and it made me think of you.
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
about 8 years

Asui says

me too :0

Sylvan Esso - Coffee

Asui! I haven't spoken to you heaps, but every time I have you've brought good vibes to the conversation. You always strike me as an incredibly chilled person, always willing to have a chat, there for your friends, and always with a super cool manner of speaking. I chose this song because it's just super chill, and extremely feel-good. It has a good vibe and
about 8 years

cinnanie says

hiya i'm ready

Mapei - Don't Wait

Cinnanie! I see you as such a pure, kind person who is never afraid to express themselves. You took me under your wing and have given me so much help and for that I am super grateful! Your sense of humour is always on point, and you have a quirky side that I find extremely endearing. You always have time for other people, whether it is remembering things they told you, or taking time to make sure they are happy. I see you as one of the people who holds this lobby together :-). I chose this song because I feel it has a sweet and quirky side to it, but also has a quiet strength to it which is unavoidable.
about 8 years

Minecraftfangirlftw says


Purity Ring - Fineshrine

Hi Nicole! You're an absolute ball of energy, who comes crashing into every chatroom, game and skype conversation with a positive energy I don't think could be rivalled by anyone on this site. You're one of the kindest people around, always willing to help (cheers for my 5 angel wins :-P) and always carrying those good vibes. I'm really pleased we became close, you're a wonderful friend, and a person I am stoked to have in my life.
This song reminded me of you because it is so entirely full of contagious positive energy. It never fails to brighten my mood, and help me feel better about life in general. I've seen this band live a couple of times now, and every time I feel like it couldn't live up to the last time, but I am continually blown away. It's a personal favourite of mine.
deletedabout 8 years
I mean, I appreciate the shoutout!
about 8 years
about 8 years
hi me pls!
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years

Nathan says

eh ok


Big Scary - Invest

Cold War Kids - Bulldozer

eh ok yourself! I'm not sure how to respond to this, or express my feelings here. You're my em mentor, life mentor and good friend, and choosing one song for you was truly impossible, so I picked two songs (and will send you a third over skype because I really am a cheater!). You don't even know it, but your presence alone has stopped me from leaving em a few times. You're an incredibly kind, caring and sweet person, entirely un-phased by the negativity that appears on here now and then. You prioritise everyone around you above yourself, and you never fail to inspire me. Thanks for being such a wonderful person in my life <3.
The songs I picked for you probably seem a bit strange, and they are, but I'll do my best to explain why I chose them.
The first one is by band out of Melbourne with some extremely chilled sounds. It starts off pretty slow, but builds into something I find quite beautiful. I think of it as a raw song. To me the lyrics are incredibly honest, and they are not at all hidden amongst the sound. It's a song that gives me all of the feels.
Bulldozer is my favourite Cold War Kids song (that they have yet to play live in any of their gigs in Melbourne over the last 5 years - I'm starting a petition). It's a song with an incredible build up, and one of the most intense endings. It has you feeling all of the good feels - and gives you so much motivation you'll end up with goosebumps.
about 8 years
Song me
deletedabout 8 years
Hi give me a song before you go to bed too pls
about 8 years

HalseyMartinez says

Omg natt yes

No Way - The Naked and Famous

Hiya Hals! For some reason as soon as I had seen that you had posted, I knew this was the song I was giving you. It's a brilliant song; it has a combination of sweet vocals and awesome rhythm that keeps you happy and inspired. It made me think of you, because in chat you're always so happy and kind, you bring positivity to every room. You're also a very cunning player, who knows how to play to your advantages. Overall though, to me this song screams positivity, motivation and exhilaration and made me think of you!
about 8 years

Ripple says


The Shins - Australia

Hiya Ripple! I'm pretty sure you're Sonia, unless I've been had in the most elaborate troll scheme in a chat. So I'm going to write this to you as if you're Sonia and hope for the best! (Sorry I'm shocking with knowing alts!) We haven't played much together, but every time I have spoken to you you've struck me as an incredibly positive and easy to be around person. So I've given you one of my easy-listening songs. This one manages to sneak in to most of my playlists somehow; probably because it really is just super chilled.
about 8 years

elise says


Phoenix - Lost and Found

ELISE! You never fail to make me laugh, you've brought a good energy to every game I have played with you, and helped to make my vivor experience so far a hugely positive one. Watching you and matt bicker will forever be one of my favourite epicmafia past times. This song is an old favourite of mine, it comes off of one of my favourite albums by a brilliant band. It has it's ups and downs, but I have found that it will brighten any room!