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return of the living dead

almost 8 years

hi im here for about five minutes to talk about my glorious lobby (im lending it to bebop momentarily tho so dont let him fool u into thinking it could ever truly be his. all yall belong to me)

i wish i was more caught up on sandbox drama cause i could rip yall some good ones rn, but alas.... i was too busy leading a successful, drama-free life with money and friends

the biggest question of all tho: who the hell thought modding terry was a good idea LMAO

i guess they realised their mistake pretty quick bc he was only a mod for, what, 2 seconds? its almost like modding the incendiary binch boy that does nothing but say racist stuff and spout /v/ memes was a... bad idea.... woah

also people keep messaging me to let me kno that certain binches Who Shall Not Be Named are talking garbage abt me

and i just want everyone to know.... i know they are, and my power grows stronger every time my name is spoken, so please continue to feed my growth

anyway kick terry out of sandbox, he has clearly not learned the millions of lessons every mod has tried to drill into his head and will never amount to anything even resembling a decent person

thats all from me tonight, i gotta reply to a message some rando sent me telling me all the reasons why they arent racist

happy times sandbox! remember, in times of stress, #PrayTheGayToStay

how much did u miss hima
dont leave me hima i love you
im crying at the mere mention of her name
so much
about 7 years
deletedalmost 8 years
the next sandbox mod will be me.
almost 8 years
No more policies in sandbox except noavi policy
almost 8 years
i actually wasnt referring to you, you also did a good enough job to at least not pass as one of the particularly bad ones, even if i didnt agree with some of your policies
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

terry was actually a pretty good mod other than what happened yesterday. he wasnt the best mod but he won't pass to sandbox history as a particularly bad one, unlike others

i know u arent talking about me bc im universally loved! so i cant think of who u could possibly be referring to. golbolco, mayhaps?
almost 8 years
terry was actually a pretty good mod other than what happened yesterday. he wasnt the best mod but he won't pass to sandbox history as a particularly bad one, unlike others
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
hima actually runs the site and has lucid on the end of a whip
almost 8 years

Chaika says

Happy birthday, Hima.

thanks boo <3 i miss u
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years

MeetTerry says

hima..... i was banning people for HC and some people told me i turned into you, an actual SJW

i heard! its pretty hilarious how fast people like that turn on u when u try to resemble a decent human being. its poetic justice, or mayhaps karma? either way its funny
deletedalmost 8 years
im gay
deletedalmost 8 years
If saying hima makes u stronger does saying meetterry make you weaker?
almost 8 years
hima..... i was banning people for HC and some people told me i turned into you, an actual SJW
almost 8 years
i only said that some people's experiences are invalid and not real
almost 8 years
Free Gucci
almost 8 years
Happy birthday, Hima.