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Only good moderation is good

over 8 years

What makes a moderator, a good moderator, a great moderator, a bad moderator, and an abusive moderator?

Simply a moderator. If a man has been appointed to moderated a group of people, this makes him the moderator in that he is related to the group by blood and he cares to get more subjects in his group. However, this might be the only thing that makes him the moderator.

A good moderator. A good moderator loves his subjects and gives them what they need (entertainment, sense of growth, food, water, clothes, a place to sleep etc). He also hugs his subjects and makes sure they know he loves them regularly. He cares for his subjects and helps them grow up.

A great moderator. A great moderator gives them what they need but also gives them space to grow, learn and "breath". He doesn’t try and make his subjects something that they’re not and allows them to be themselves and explore different things. He doesn’t invalidate or punish his subjects, but instead encourages them to learn from experiences, not "mistakes" or "misbehaviour". He loves his subjects and shows it and he knows he doesn’t own his subjects and supports them in what ever they choose to do with their life, knowing that it’s their life, not his own. His group grows up very happy and healthy, knowing how to meet it's own emotional needs.

A bad moderator. A bad moderator punishes his subjects, imposes rules and maybe doesn’t let his subjects know he loves them enough. He might also stop his subjects from doing things (unreasonably) and when asked why, get all defensive and say things like "it’s for your own good". The more he doesn’t accept the subjects’s individuality, the more likely it is that the subject is going to feel outcast and out of place. The group might be more likely to rebel.

An abusive moderator. An abusive moderator might do all of the above but also punish his subjects. He would place all the blame and responsibility on the subjects and make the subjects feel completely worthless and undeserving of anything. The subjects would have no self-confidence or self-esteem and think it’s wrong to say they’re good at something. Everything they do would not seem good enough for their moderator and the group might get depressed as a result of the way their moderator treats them. An abusive moderator would manipulate his subjects and also emotionally abuse them. He would shout at his subjects and make them cry. He would always be putting them down and invalidating them by saying things like "I don’t care what you think, your opinion doesn’t matter" "I’m everything, you’re nothing" and "What did I do to deserve you?".

over 7 years
People die when they are killed.
over 8 years
Mr moderator, why do you let your subjects jump off the roof?
over 8 years
lastprophet-tier tl;dr
over 8 years
So you encountered a bad moderator or an abusive one?
But there is a chance that it wasn't a real mod, but someone pretending to be a mod, perhaps.
I once pretended to be a mod. It was very addicting and fun. I loved how people loved me. They sugarily-candy-flattered me the whole game. And said that I am like one of the best mods they ever knew. Someone even wrote a poem.
over 8 years
I was in a sandbox game with a mod and the lk died at night, leaving the village in darkness during the day. Of course, this resulted in people being a bit free with their words and perhaps causing a bit of trouble. Also during that same day, an anonymous voice seemed to be actively responding to some of the other anonymous words: this voice said things like, "I will be reviewing this game after it is complete to find out whoever said that".

When the next day arrived, the mod said in broad daylight: "I wasn't joking. I will review the game to find out whoever said that".

I am all for mods; if people say something inappropriate, I am all for moderation. But I thought the way this mod was choosing to actively police the game was a bit awkward. I asked myself: what is the point of ANNOUNCING you are going to review the game? Why not simply review it and act on it accordingly? Why did the mod have to insert their gaze into an ongoing game and subvert the otherwise fun momentum of the game? It was a very strange thing to watch unfold.
over 8 years
victory for the forces of democratic freedom!
over 8 years
You've never been wrong before so I have no reason to doubt you now.