Post in this thread with a positive, neutral, or critical observation of me and I'll post the opposite for you. Please state the category of your observation. If your observation is neutral, I'll reply with a neutral one as well.
I'll be writing all three for each person, so if you want more, you can give me more and receive more in return (this means that you can get up to 3 responses from me in this thread).
Example: A says "Positive. Cody is smart and observant." I will reply with something like "Critical. A is too easily influenced by other people."
I'll be gathering all of the observations that I write into a file somewhere and maybe making a wrap-up post to summarize them.
EDIT: Here is the file that I've made with all of my responses for everyone in the thread. If you're seeing this, then I'm only doing responses for those people that I feel like responding to from now on. There are a few people on the file that didn't post here for whom I wrote these observations down prior to posting the thread, so if you didn't post here and you're someone who knows me pretty well, you might be in there!
Critical: Friend to all is friend to none. You're outwardly nice to everyone that I've seen you interact with, which means that the value of your allegiance to people is diminished. In all but one interaction between us I've felt that you deliberately avoided stepping on my toes and tried to maintain an appearance rather than establish genuine communication with me.
Positive: You are able to assess situations fairly and come to reasonable conclusions quickly. You are open to considering others' feedback and suggestions and you are good at coming up with solutions that are acceptable to as many people as possible.
Critical: You look like a nice guy and you probably are. You have very defined morals, or at least I think so. Because of that, sometimes, you stand up for your friends too much, without knowing what's right or wrong and ignore the fact that the other person could be correct.
idk you so I'm just taking a guess from a few games we've played and some forum posts
edit: first I put this as neutral but I guess that was critical
Positive: Very loyal friend. Always tries to do the right thing , including presenting yourself the right way, even if sometimes you go astray. Very intelligent in a lot of areas. When you do get criticism you try very hard to improve if you can see that it is valid (and make a lot of effort to do so-more on that later)
Neutral: Are there really any neutral comments worth giving? I can't think of any.
Critical: Rational train of thought often misses key stations along the way (moreso in mafia than others). Less open to respectful disagreements or criticisms than ideal. Very stubborn at certain times-if you are very set on X, you kind of scrape bottom of the barrel to justify it even if the opposing evidence is pretty overwhelming. Could be generalized as easily influenced by bad but supporting evidence. Actions can sometimes not match up to spoken beliefs if emotions are right-more selfcontrol issue/emotional-intellectual consistency mismatches.
Positive: Cody is meticulous and neat. He does his best in everything he does. He is a precious darling, and is loyal to his friends. Has a 200+ WPM. Codybae for life!!!
Critical: He succs and always rigs his games against me so I'd get voted out before I come back on computer.
Positive: One of the most level headed people I've seen on EM. You stand by your beliefs instead of letting others step all over you. Also cool at mafia.
Negative: I believe you should be less critical of yourself. Hitting yourself over your mistakes won't solve them, instead I think you should move on and just acknowledge it instead of being so uptight. I don't know if what I just said makes sense but I hope I got my point across.
Positive - you are a good person and good at this game of Mafia and good at moderating this game of Mafia. I think you are very good at responding to criticism. Also polite and verbose.
Neutral - you seem to have little emotion when you play Mafia.
Critical - you have expectations of yourself that you probably shouldn't, and you seem to think you are worse at things than you are. I think you could be too trusting and see the best in people a little too much.
Positive: Extremely professional and take criticism at heart. Got very eloquent ways of expressing yourself that makes me drop my panties(if I had any). Very polite and just a general nice person aswell.
Negative: Maybe a bit too nice to his friends, which in all honesty is a good trait if you look in the grand scheme of things.
Critical: Sometimes emotional and sometimes can come across as a bit manipulative.
Critical: You like to poke at other people and goad them into reacting to you. On occasion, you don't realize that you've stepped over a line and continue to do so after others no longer find it amusing.
Critical: you lend your trust out too often, and it has come back to bite you. you also let your emotions get the best of you from time to time, and can overreact to minor things as a result
I don't know too much about you so this is based on what I've seen in games with you in the past.
Critical: You are easily influenced and intimidated by the words of others. You would prefer to follow someone who is loud and incorrect out of fear of reprisal from that person than to come to a decision by yourself.
Positive: Once you decide to do something, you put all your mind and heart into it. Be it a mafia game, modding or just having a chat. That's what makes you good at most things you try your hand at. It has also earnt my respect.
Critical: Less so now, but definitely back in the day, you did get quite emotional and salty at times. I admit I was intimidated and afraid to play with you at first.
Critical: You are overly self-deprecating, or were at one point. I seem to recall a moment in time where every one of your accounts' profile pages implied something negative about yourself.
Positive: You are incredibly professional and attempt nothing but to better yourself and those around you. You're extremely loyal and provide constructive feedback, and welcome it back to you
neutral: cody is a tryhard Positive - Cody is an extremely moral person/tries to do the right thing all the time and usually succeeds. He sticks up for his friends and responds to criticism by trying to improve.
BTW there's plenty more that's positive I could easily think of to say here but it wouldn't be a single observation :P you're a cool person. It's a shame we don't play more often.