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Entil's Opinion Hat

over 8 years

Warning, this will be one of the few moments where you will see me biased and serious. My opinion in here is honest but harsh in some cases, if you do not feel comfortable with getting criticism then do not post in this thread.

Moving on, this is something I promised myself to avoid but after someone requested it, I thought about it for a decent amount of time and decided to make one. This means I will still be unbiased in every game I play, regardless of my opinion about you. And no, I do not want to take part in the Game of Throws, whatever issues you have with one another is none of my concern. Nor will I be here to discuss with you why I am wrong or what your opinion is, if you are so desperate to pretend you're right on an opinion bother me in PM. And I will politely ignore it.

That being said, my replies may differ in size and type depending on the person. They will all be ended with a placement in one of the following ranks of like/dislike.

  • Nearly Perfect - 9.0
  • Great - 7.5
  • Above Average - 6.5
  • Neutral - 5.5
  • Below Average - 4.5
  • Awful - 3.0
Biggest loser of EM
Every Noavi
Someone Else
over 8 years
I know I got a 10/10 dw

Also why no Terry in the pool
deletedover 8 years
me next pls
deletedover 8 years
nya me
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
me, if u can ;)
over 8 years
i'd like to hear what you have to say =)
over 8 years
entil me!
over 8 years
kill me dead bud .____.
deletedover 8 years
oh my god do me do me!
over 8 years
Boi give me a minus
over 8 years
ok sure
over 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
nice do me
over 8 years
roast me
over 8 years
dik dik me
over 8 years

Golbolco says

What are you gonna do when Golbamania runs wild on you?

Having played many games with Entil I am intrigued to see what my grade is.

Hehe.. I was looking forward to this one, lets see how much I can burn down Golbolco. Oke first things first, if I ever would be asked should we bring golbox? Please no, I was in honest distress that particular day. With that out of the way, there are actually quite a few important things I want to say about you that others sometimes seem to conveniently forget. For instance despite your view of sandbox and the way you talk to people at times, it is impossible to say you have gone out of your way to get rid of every person you dislike. On the contrary I have never seen you kick someone from your games that didn't deserve it or simply disagreed with you. In that view you're more mature then most people in here, even though there are many nono words I could define you with. While it would be an overstatement saying you're the nicest person here, I would say losing you from the community is actually a considerable loss. You're also one of the few remaining that tries to make new roles and setups, something that is at the foundation of how the games in sandbox were created to begin with. I don't agree with giving you full power cause you would disregard many opinions for your own, but I can still say without doubt that you're a visionary.. Even if that will get me a lot of protests and angry looks, if I ain't honest then why make this thread in the first place. So with final words, you'd be a lot nicer if you accepted the views of others aswell, but calling you a bad thing would be an unfair assessment from my side. I am sure you can make sandbox better, just don't overdo it. I will grade you Above Average with a 6.6
over 8 years

Reamix says


Hmmm Reamix, I had to think about this one for awhile. Cause I felt negatively biased by it but couldn't put my finger on it and i might've found it now. I concluded that it's not that negative then I first made it to be in my head so here it goes. To me you are a rule abiding citizen, you love to give people attention in return for theirs. But when shoves comes to push, there are things you solve by simply grabbing the rulebook and letting the words in them override the situation at hand. This is not done by any biased decision as far as I can tell, it is simply that the rules state what can and cannot be done. Although I personally do not agree with that type of approach, there is no dishonesty in your actions and the word is final. Sometimes this might feel or be seen as unfair, but taking into account the view of every other person sometimes is too complicated. I do not know you personally enough to judge you poorly for that and although my head is nagging at me saying you possibly think you're above the common folk, I won't let it influence my opinion simply since their is not enough evidence to confirm that. In fact most evidence points out that you try to leave your own personal opinion out of the decision and for that I can't do anything other then give you the benefit of the doubt. I will grade you Neutral/Above Average with a 6.1 not because I always agree but because of a certain well deserved respect.
over 8 years

Kaworu says

be very harsh with me. i want to know how to change

Kaworu, oh oh Kaworu.. I want to say a few things of importance here, so lets not waste time. You secretly are a friendly person, but one of the few things that concern me are things like your addiction to negative things. It's like you prefer to lock yourself away from anything good, something I still haven't been able to figure out why and most likely will not be able to find out anytime soon. Your in game presence is above average, despite being so emotionally closed you still talk more then enough and very little nonsense so most conversations are enjoyable to say the least. If I had to make any changes to you I'd actually give you more confidence to troll around a bit and have fun yourself, fill you up with some more positive energy so to say. You haven't been disruptive to any player so far as I know, the biggest problem that you have is mostly with yourself, be stronger then that. I will grade you Above Average/Great with a 6.8 mostly based on that. If you don't think yourself as worthy enough others won't be able to either.
over 8 years

tricksterer says

gee whiz

The Trickster, I don't think your name is appropriate to my opinion about you. Simply caused by a few facts that will be maybe of a surprise to you since we don't know eachother on a personal level. Firstly there is the fact that you don't decide your in game decisions by the opinion of others, I tend to see you thinking more deeply about what seems to be the most plausible happening that occurred before deducting who is guilty and who is not. You might not take the form of the entertainer, yet your still active enough in chat to be considered above average. I believe you're a great person for keeping this community happy and no trickster would be fit for such a role. Therefor even though I have no specific type of personal bond with you, I can still conclude that the people who do are lucky enough to have it. I will grade you Above Average/Great with a 6.9 leaning on a hunch, not on fact since I can't say for certain you are the type of person I envision you to be.
deletedover 8 years
I would like to participate
over 8 years

keldran says

do me

Keldran time, guess that's fair. Considering the interactions I've had with you I can honestly say that I have had hardly any real things worth to object to, other then the fact that you just blackmailed me. You seem smart enough, kind enough but I honestly think you should be a bit tougher to some people. Your presence can get masked under the more dominant sandbox player and I think you deserve better then that. You are slightly biased in favor of me and while I don't want to sound appreciative, I also judge the ones who are biased in other groups so unless it's in smaller non-sandbox games I would like to see you more as a general nice person and judge me properly in-game aswell. That being said I do enjoy seeing you in games I participate aswell, good hearted people are too few in this place. I will grade you Great with a 7.6
over 8 years
Be careful what you say here, boy.
over 8 years

ObitoSigma says

Ooooh ohhh ohhhhh MEMEMEM DO ME!!!!!!

ObitoSigma, I'm gonna give you minus points because you made me make this uncomfortable thread. Jokes aside, I do have enough to say about you so lets get right on it. Generally you tend to be fairly present in game chat, while I would score that type of presence as average its the choices you make according to the role you are, that give me a chuckle every now and then. You sometimes lurk more then not which I find myself guilty of aswell, yet your respect to some players is lower then others. That is a natural cause of trying to be an entertainer, especially with many people able to be a trigger in this mess called sandbox. Nonetheless it's not on a level thats disrespectful enough to be found disruptive, these are casualties made less and less through improvement. I would to like to see more witty comments from a personal preference, but you're funny enough in my book. I will grade you Above Average/Great with a 7.0