You seem like a fun and kind person ~ Really fun plying with you ~~~ although idk you much so thats it for now ^^ lets hope this will get longer as i interact with you more ~~
I think sandbox was made for you. You queen of sandbox rulin it was lols rofls and rekts. Your drama reports are 10/10 and you make me laugh on multiple occasions ~~ glad to have sorta met you/seen you aorund
When i first saw you about 3 months ago i thought you were a bad troll who vegied everygame and ppl would say to kick and your avi made me think you bad troll but then i got to you know you and you seem alright ~
You seem like a thoughtful and carin person. Idk much else about you but my impression of you was someone who cares for the things they are passionate about.
You are sweet and kind and bubbly and cupcakey <3 ~ Great person and would make a great advice buddy irl. Idk you much but this was my impression of you ~