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1200 games on alternative game...

about 8 years

Some suggestions: What I found too hard is to find my role. I'm talking about sandbox mode where all roles are random.

I should find my role amongst 143

Icons are small as favicons

Is it possible to see my role attributes without going on another page/tab? Like the labels from standard modes.

about 8 years

dust says

cub's emjack has a thing for that this is the topic for it
deletedabout 8 years
cub's emjack has a thing for that
deletedabout 8 years
night actions have a question mark next to them that give you a short description of what you do when you hover your mouse over it.
about 8 years
Is it possible to see my role attributes without going on another page/tab? Like the labels from standard modes.

short answer, no.
about 8 years
memorize all of the roles