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Confess old EM sins

over 8 years

After a certain amount of time passes, no one cares that you did bad things on Epicmafia. I'm living proof of that. Confess your old sins.

If you'd like to confess anonymously, you can PM father Arcbell with your sins, and I will in turn post to this thread with no name attached. I have sworn a holy oath to keep these confessions from judging eyes.

over 8 years
Is this the thread where we generate bad memes...

deletedover 8 years
i dunno tbh sonrio. i think i gambled it all on some girl on em and lost lol
over 8 years

JeffreyAaron says

Natalie sniped the username JeffreyAaron when I named changed the first time and I had an admin change the name so I could get it back :3

over 8 years
im glad youre back and here to stay
deletedover 8 years
hey sonrio
over 8 years
Hi sirius
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years

fair says

I mean to be fair you can always just:

and enter n­azi in the bottom box

and out pops something you can paste in the top


what is this thing. how do i say other words
over 8 years

fair says

I mean to be fair you can always just:

and enter n­azi in the bottom box

and out pops something you can paste in the top


I appreciate it, but the OCD disturbance doesn't overrule effort involved. The alt key is a friend.
over 8 years
oh my god that video
over 8 years
i confess to being the funniest user on epicmafia.
over 8 years
I mean to be fair you can always just:

and enter n­azi in the bottom box

and out pops something you can paste in the top

over 8 years
over 8 years
nazí faggót.
over 8 years
I can't even use a short-hand term for national socialist to describe Laurie because she blocked it.

B*tch is cunning.
deletedover 8 years
very artful garyoak lol
over 8 years

roadman says

So which autismal dípshit unbanned abc?

Wow, Laurie censored dípshit. Well played.

Also LaurieRose is trolling us all from hell.
over 8 years

JeffreyAaron says

Townread says

i got Straight As until 4th grade

holy heck man, nice

over 8 years
So which autismal dípshit unbanned abc?

Wow, Laurie censored dípshit. Well played.
deletedover 8 years

JeffreyAaron says

Natalie sniped the username JeffreyAaron when I named changed the first time and I had an admin change the name so I could get it back :3

u coulda just asked me for it back T_T
over 8 years

Becameclear says

It was a joke m8 relax

I just hate getting caught!
over 8 years
Natalie sniped the username JeffreyAaron when I named changed the first time and I had an admin change the name so I could get it back :3
over 8 years
It was a joke m8 relax
deletedover 8 years
starfuel was an account i, *ahem* borrowed from nanita. and then forgot to give back.
over 8 years

Becameclear says

Jeff subtly hints - not for long ;)

Yeah, you sure caught me. E-hooking up with straight people is what I'm hinting at.