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Which character trope are you?

almost 8 years

need to know so i can better assess what kind of story sandbox is telling

my result was p accurate tbh
about 7 years
our Result:
The Anti-Hero

A central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes. They often fail many times and are known to be flawed. Opposite of the Tragic hero, you often do things out of selfishness so you can advance and grow as an individual. This is often done unconsciously. When people ask for favors, you expect rewards in return. Your personality can be seen as complicated and you often can through a cycle of moods in a matter of what seems like seconds. You're seen as typically aggressive and full of emotion. There would be times where it seems like you are completely calm and then at a flip of coin be upset about something. You have a lot on your mind 24/7 and it's hard for you to handle. Sometimes your attempts at showing you care can backfire, since you often get too into the emotional aspect of the situation.

not surprised tbh
about 7 years

Not really sure how I got that, since like nothing lined up with it. Maybe this is a sign I should enter the jester industry
about 7 years
The Damsel (in Distress)

A character, usually female (but can be anybody), is put into immediate danger in order to put the cast in motion. Their plight unites the cast, causing them to put aside their differences and work together to save them or provide the premise for the quest. But, necessarily, this isn't always the case! (Note the parentheses!) This could also mean you're someone who is capable of bringing people together in times of need. You are often very dependent on others, but not all the time. It's more of when there is an important decision to made and where everyone's opinions need to be heard. You don't like taking charge because you like to go with the flow of things. People describe you as kindhearted and honest. You're also naturally sociable and positive.
deletedabout 7 years
A tragic hero is a literary character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction. You give too much and don't get very much back, usually because you do things out of the goodness of your heart. You always seem to have good intentions and you often carry the burden of others on your shoulders. You have a very high sense of empathy and you tend to be very secretive about yourself. You have such a big heart and others value your friendship and see you as one of a kind. You're special to those who are close to you and they care about you dearly.
about 7 years
A tragic hero is a literary character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction. You give too much and don't get very much back, usually because you do things out of the goodness of your heart. You always seem to have good intentions and you often carry the burden of others on your shoulders. You have a very high sense of empathy and you tend to be very secretive about yourself. You have such a big heart and others value your friendship and see you as one of a kind. You're special to those who are close to you and they care about you dearly.
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
The Rival

The grim, volatile foe of the protagonist, who, through a series of inexplicable events up to and including attempted murder, gains grudging respect for said hero/heroine (and may even save them) and goes from intolerable to tolerable. You're very confident and have pep in your step. People who don't know you describe you as stubborn, but in fact you have a very open-mind. You're able to see both sides of the situation, but it's hard for you to admit that you're wrong. You stick to your vices and never falter, even if your opinion is seen as wrong. For those on your side, they look up to you and value your ideals. You speak with raw pride. You're straightforward and like to get right to the point during most conversations. You are more fueled by emotion rather than logic. You also love competition, being number one is very important to you.
deletedabout 7 years
i think im all of them
deletedabout 7 years
The Tragic Hero

A tragic hero is a literary character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his/her own destruction. You give too much and don't get very much back, usually because you do things out of the goodness of your heart. You always seem to have good intentions and you often carry the burden of others on your shoulders. You have a very high sense of empathy and you tend to be very secretive about yourself. You have such a big heart and others value your friendship and see you as one of a kind. You're special to those who are close to you and they care about you dearly.
about 7 years
i forgot i made this thread

i retook it and got protagonist, now thats character development for ya
about 7 years
The Protagonist

The character responsible for handling the main problem and the one most in need of change, emotionally. You are ambitious and are considered to be highly courageous. You have a good set of morals and love to do the right thing. Overall, you're just incredibly well-rounded. You are typically seen as extroverted and involved in many different things. You make friends easily and people are attracted to your outstanding personality. You don't mind being the center of attention every once in a while!

Yeah... I'm not extroverted.
deletedabout 7 years
My Character trope is sorta true but also sorta false so I'll just say it's inaccurate
about 7 years
I got the sidekick this is rigged
about 7 years

Ben says

that artstyle is so ugly

tumblr art is disgusting yes
about 7 years
about 7 years
The Damsel (in Distress)

A character, usually female (but can be anybody), is put into immediate danger in order to put the cast in motion. Their plight unites the cast, causing them to put aside their differences and work together to save them or provide the premise for the quest. But, necessarily, this isn't always the case! (Note the parentheses!) This could also mean you're someone who is capable of bringing people together in times of need. You are often very dependent on others, but not all the time. It's more of when there is an important decision to made and where everyone's opinions need to be heard. You don't like taking charge because you like to go with the flow of things. People describe you as kindhearted and honest. You're also naturally sociable and positive.
about 7 years
that artstyle is so ugly
deletedabout 7 years
Your Result:
The Jester

The constructive troll, a common feature at the Standard Royal Court. Much like their historical counterpart, the Jester's foolish appearance and demeanor means they're generally laughed at or not taken seriously. The upside to this is being able to pretty much speak their mind in the most blunt way possible without fear of reprisal. You have a good sense of humor and are seen as the life of the party. You hide your pessimistic ways through your comedic nature. You are often unpredictable and unreadable by your peers. No one really understands you, but they appreciate you anyways. Your presence is heavily valued.
Share Your Result
deletedabout 7 years
almost 8 years

ChaoticDoom says

no one ever is surprised, by the way
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years

By curiosity, what were some of your answers? I identified as Good Chaotic, and what appealed to me most was wondering in a field alone with a bridge followed by a mysterious forest. I chose any passive answers, sticking which what I thought was morally correct and how my influence could better shape others and the development of humanity. My greatest fear was that all my hard work would be gone. What if I won a Fields Medal or Nobel Prize for my work, but eventually my name will be erased from all sources thousands or millions of years from now?
deletedalmost 8 years
im goku hitler
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
Damsel in Distress..

A character, usually female (but can be anybody), is put into immediate danger in order to put the cast in motion. Their plight unites the cast, causing them to put aside their differences and work together to save them or provide the premise for the quest. But, necessarily, this isn't always the case! (Note the parentheses!) This could also mean you're someone who is capable of bringing people together in times of need. You are often very dependent on others, but not all the time. It's more of when there is an important decision to made and where everyone's opinions need to be heard. You don't like taking charge because you like to go with the flow of things. People describe you as kindhearted and honest. You're also naturally sociable and positive.