The judges and I graded each project on (Fits the Theme), (Cohesiveness/Style/Matching) and (Taste) with # out of 5 points max on these 3.
Congratulations to Goms for winning 3rd Round!
4th Round Theme: Avant Garde fashion!
This is solo. Avant Garde is unusual or experimental fashion that is very art influenced. Think something Lady Gaga might be inspired by and try googling around for your own inspiration!
Please give us ONE outfit This can include the shoes, hat, glasses, jewelry, etc
You can create the collage here - or use any collage maker you like
NOTICE: if you're trolling, you're disqualified.
You have one day to finish your 3rd project until August 1st, 2016 at 12 am tomorrow.
Good luck, girls and boys!