deletedover 8 years

2.0) I'm the best BattleSnake player in sandbox. Debate me

I win on avg. 8/10 games i join

Battle snakes power rankings:

  1. Bigpock

  2. Ohdearmycatisgone

  3. Obito

  4. Mindblown

  5. Sanruse

  6. Lonerism

  7. Baabaa

  8. Sweetie69

  9. Radamanthos

If you post your own screenshot of your win, please make the screencap neat and tight. Snakebox confirmed:

deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
"If you post your own screenshot of your win, please make the screencap neat and tight."

Straight from the op
over 8 years

still got it bish
deletedover 8 years

i am clearly the best snakes player, give me a trophy
deletedover 8 years
excuse why u move me down on list?? i still dont lose to anyone
deletedover 8 years

over 8 years
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over 8 years

snakegladiator says

my dream is to be on this list

This is a dream come true :^)
over 8 years
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deletedover 8 years

deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years

over 8 years

over 8 years
my dream is to be on this list
over 8 years
Mother of snakes... :O
deletedover 8 years

Finally played a game with 4 of the 8 ranked on my snakes power rankings and still won it. I've won 6 out of 7 games today
deletedover 8 years
Went 3/3 in the first 3 games of the morning. Haven't been able to play in a few days. Rankings updated.

over 8 years
i dont play enough battlesnakes nor do i care enough to printscreen.
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years