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Riots and Social Engineers

almost 8 years

When I was young, I had a friend which had a natural talent for social engineering if you will. What I mean is that statistically speaking, most the people he talked to shouldn't have made the choices they did make, but, if it wasn't there to help push them along, they would end up making the same mistakes their father made, however, the next generation will make the mistakes they should have made instead. This brings me to the riots across the United States and Israel.

Israel is known for purposely social engineering its own population to prevent riots like this, but, why? Why would Israel be worried about riots? As a descendant of royalty from the Arabian empire, why should I care about Jewish people? Because it's clear we have a common enemy and so do both the citizens and police of the United States. The enemy is what I call "The Criminal". So the criminal is normally a single person in a city of people, but, they have a few properties that make them who they are which I will list.

  1. If something bad happens to them, they have the urge to do the same thing to others, even if it isn't the person who did the bad thing to them, and some how they feel like they have gained justice even though all they did was gratify themselves and never solved their problem.
  2. They are condescending and believe they can never do anything wrong. These people are sociopathic and psychopathic normally at the same time.
  3. They want to get away with doing anything they want, even if they are guilty.

This brings me to the Dallas Riots. People think this is a racial issue, but, really, it's just a single person or very small group of people socially engineering others into believing this. Why are they turning common people against the police? So they can get away with what they want.

Here is how it works.

  1. The Criminal wants to get away with a crime
  2. The Criminal knows he can't get away with crime, so he tries to convince people that the people who will stop him from committing the crime, are bad (Conspiracy Theorist/Communist/Racist/Radicals)
  3. After convincing everyone that "the guvment out to get us and we wuz kangs n sheet", people end up beginning to start fights between themselves and the people who stop criminals, ignoring the opposite side of the argument and only paying attention to their own, feeding into their own system of belief that the cops are bad.
  4. The only way the cops will ever actually show people that they are needed is by leaving a city where they are actually needed and letting crime blow over. This normally leads to all white neighborhoods being destroyed, government facilities being destroyed, and normally anything of value being destroyed, allowing for the criminal to get away with doing what he wants.

The criminal is intelligent, but, the criminal isn't wise. In the long run, the criminal will end up repeating risk until they are killed by someone who is ironically just like themselves, or until they get caught. The blacklivesmatter movement was probably started by a racist secret service agent who wanted to honeypot black people.

EDIT: This could have been prevented by social engineers counter measuring the criminal. Moral of the story.

over 6 years
wow i remember lastprophet threads
over 6 years

sigh says

didnt read but i hate manipulative people omg

this guy doesn't know how mafia works
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
you're an idiot
over 6 years
I was looking for one of your latest thread and found this. This is a very good read!
deletedabout 7 years

view says

why did you gravedig sigh

i got told to
about 7 years
why did you gravedig sigh
about 7 years

sigh says

didnt read but i hate manipulative people omg

same tbh
deletedabout 7 years
didnt read but i hate manipulative people omg
almost 8 years

LastProphet says

I had a friend which

almost 8 years

LastProphet says

Did you know the odds of being homosexual increase where people hate homosexuals? Did you know the odds of a higher black fertility rate increase proportionately to the current media bias of showing black people being mistreated?

If you hate something, you create more of it without realizing it. Bigger stick is less then utility in the long run.

i hate my bewb size
almost 8 years
Did you know the odds of being homosexual increase where people hate homosexuals? Did you know the odds of a higher black fertility rate increase proportionately to the current media bias of showing black people being mistreated?

If you hate something, you create more of it without realizing it. Bigger stick is less then utility in the long run.
almost 8 years
Only the people with bigger sticks win in the end. Just saying.
almost 8 years
cub the problem is that you have to light a match for it to catch fire. These people have a problem and the only way to show them they do is when someone exploits them. This is how it is.
almost 8 years
that or you know people are self interested and have a victim complex
almost 8 years
I thought you were gone. Can we make my dream come true?
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
It's funny because if LastProphet just posted his threads as replies to MeetTerry threads, then people would actually be willing to engage him, but when you see a thought-out thread standing alone then one is forced to fall back on joking about it being too long and how nobody cares.

If nobody cared then nobody would reply.
deletedalmost 8 years
The number of lastprophet threads I've actually read
deletedalmost 8 years
too long didn't read