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SERIOUS Closed Role Games

about 8 years

Lately I've noticed that people don't really take mafia games in sandbox seriously. Like they claim virgin as baker, or gamethrow for their friends, or claim virgin as lightkeeper. I'm sick and tired of this, and I want to play serious, competitive closed role games in sandbox.

My solution is to give people the OPTION of playing serious games. It should be up to the host weather or not to make it a serious game. The host should kick all known trolls, suiciders, veggers, and noavis.

The setup for a serious game would also need to be different. Take out circle-jerking roles like Party host and Cthulu. Put in roles that make the game more complex like Sleepwalker, Politician, and Judge. Take out roles that are useless like Penguin. And definietly take out the roles that allow the game to end n1 (Clockmaker)

Who would be interested in this? Please sign the petition.

Would you be interested in this?
14 signed
Sign here if you would be interested in playing serious closed role games in sandbox.
about 8 years
If you are so into serious games why are you playing battle snakes??????????????? Eh??????????????????????????????????
about 8 years
Stop bumping this
about 8 years
keep ranked out of my sandbox
about 8 years
How are those roles circlejerking roles?
about 8 years
People go to Main if they want to play to win.

People go to Sandbox when they want to play for fun.

Sometimes, the funnest thing isn't winning.
about 8 years

dooze says

I'm sorry that people are being so rude to you, Jenny. Unfortunately it's kind of the demeanor of sandbox and people come here to get away from the serious atmosphere of main. I wonder how main would react if you posted in their forums about this?

good idea
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
I'm sorry that people are being so rude to you, Jenny. Unfortunately it's kind of the demeanor of sandbox and people come here to get away from the serious atmosphere of main. I wonder how main would react if you posted in their forums about this?
about 8 years

izzy says

take a fcking chill pill. go play in main or some other lobby if you want serious games.

or pin a competitive setup to the list of setups for the people who want competitive games...
deletedabout 8 years

izzy says

hey josh go email lucid

Ok honey <3
deletedabout 8 years
hey josh go email lucid
deletedabout 8 years
The real game is controlling all the chess pieces on em's board.
about 8 years
personally i think it would be a cool idea to insist lucid to make closed roles avaiable for ranked games

and then have ranked games in sandbox

and for all the people saying "boohoo ranked games are bad!!!" remember that you can always... not play the ranked games and let the people that do like them enjoy them.
deletedabout 8 years
take a fcking chill pill. go play in main or some other lobby if you want serious games.
about 8 years

ballsy says

JamalMarley says

ballsy says

Every game in sandbox is serious if you take it seriously. Learning to play around the fake claimers, sheep, and circlejerkers takes skill. You can do it if you put effort into it.

YOU can learn how to play seriously, but you do not control everyone else who plays the game with you and if they don't take the game seriously, then the game won't be serious. People will still claim virgin as baker and sure, you can say "they're not actually virgin", but that doesn't always stop a bandwagon. If there is a large enough demand for a more serious setup in Sandbox, then it should be done.

Yeah you can't control other people's actions but their actions are almost always predictable and you can formulate a strategy to counter them if you don't suck.

And if you can predict it... What? How does that change it? Jenny isn't saying she can't win games, she isn't saying that she can't predict people's actions, she's not saying she doesn't have a strategy to win, she's saying that she would like a setup where people PLAY SERIOUSLY. You're completely ignoring her point in an attempt to seem superior. She wants a setup that is competitive and in that setup she wants people that play seriously. It doesn't matter if you can predict people's actions or come up with a strategy to try to counter them. I agree there should be a setup for people who play to win for their team.
deletedabout 8 years

JamalMarley says

ballsy says

Every game in sandbox is serious if you take it seriously. Learning to play around the fake claimers, sheep, and circlejerkers takes skill. You can do it if you put effort into it.

YOU can learn how to play seriously, but you do not control everyone else who plays the game with you and if they don't take the game seriously, then the game won't be serious. People will still claim virgin as baker and sure, you can say "they're not actually virgin", but that doesn't always stop a bandwagon. If there is a large enough demand for a more serious setup in Sandbox, then it should be done.

Yeah you can't control other people's actions but their actions are almost always predictable and you can formulate a strategy to counter them if you don't suck.
about 8 years

ballsy says

Every game in sandbox is serious if you take it seriously. Learning to play around the fake claimers, sheep, and circlejerkers takes skill. You can do it if you put effort into it.

YOU can learn how to play seriously, but you do not control everyone else who plays the game with you and if they don't take the game seriously, then the game won't be serious. People will still claim virgin as baker and sure, you can say "they're not actually virgin", but that doesn't always stop a bandwagon. If there is a large enough demand for a more serious setup in Sandbox, then it should be done.
deletedabout 8 years
Every game in sandbox is serious if you take it seriously. Learning to play around the fake claimers, sheep, and circlejerkers takes skill. You can do it if you put effort into it.
about 8 years
>serious games

Not gonna work sorry hun :/
about 8 years
hi jenny i like u but this is a bad thread
about 8 years

Jenny says

My solution is to give people the OPTION of playing serious games. It should be up to the host weather or not to make it a serious game. The host should kick all known trolls, suiciders, veggers, and noavis.

can't you do this already?
about 8 years

Merlot says

Golbolco says

Merlot says

it's sandbox if you want serious and competitive games you should probably just like, play in main where those games are the norm. like.

you want the opposite of what's expected in sandbox so.

>tells people to go to main to play serious games

>misses the point about this being about closed roles

i mean they literally say they want serious, competitive games; i was only advising them that if they want that kind of atmosphere playing in a lobby that doesn't bother enforcing in game violations and the like would probably be for the best, whether or not closed roles are apart of it.

Still missing the point.
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
it's not like every game in sandbox is a joke. there are games where people actually play and games where people just mess around. That's the whole point of playing casually in sandbox, is there's no requirement to play seriously. You can if you want to, but someone else doesn't and you just have to accept that.
about 8 years

Ashe says

If you want to play serious, go to Main Lobby. End..

Dumbie...Main lobby has no closed roles