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Women and the draft

over 8 years

Before anyone asks, I am not MeetTerry's alt.

Anyway, the question I have for you today is whether you think women ought to register for the selective service system (or any sort of equivalent in your country where only men have to sign up).

EDIT: This picture always cracks me up lol

Should women sign up
Abolish the draft
Yes, together with men
Send the otherkin to the front line
Only women should sign up
Only men should sign up
deletedover 8 years
Abolish the Country and rebuild it from scratch.
deletedover 8 years
nobody made an argument tho. i mean i get that maybe there's something patriarchal in it or something, that if women can't join the army then that means men rule the world, women are subject to our whims or whatever. but then that's fcking daft.

i can think of a bunch of reasons women shouldn't join the army tbh. and then the right to kill for ur country or whatever, well that's a pretty weird right to be fighting for
over 8 years

DrPeePee says

SMH at ppl who wanna abolish the draft. Does it suck? Yes. But when the country is on the line either some of us die now or all future generations die.

That's not how todays modern warfare even works. There's no need for a draft. If a modern country wanted to wage war on another modern country it'd be over very fast with todays technology.

What I'm saying is there's no point for a draft cause we'd all be dead or the war would be over if we were in a point were a draft was somehow needed.
deletedover 8 years
no i do not.
over 8 years
Ye I pretty much regret making that option in the poll now
deletedover 8 years
SMH at ppl who wanna abolish the draft. Does it suck? Yes. But when the country is on the line either some of us die now or all future generations die.
deletedover 8 years
if you're fit to wield a gun and lob a grenade get your a$$ to the frontline, that means you grandpa
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
Discuss away

P.S. I hope we haven't had a thread like this have we