Anyway, the question I have for you today is whether you think women ought to register for the selective service system (or any sort of equivalent in your country where only men have to sign up).
I'm not sure why people seem to think the weak man vs strong woman comparison is applicable. The only men getting into the army are those who are already strong, and have the capacity to build upon that strength.
less women = less children = less crying in public places
sounds great
deletedover 8 years
this is such a weird discussion
deletedover 8 years
The draft takes everyone in shape out of shape doesn't matter, the draft is just for bullet sponges. The men on the first ship on D Day? Bullet sponges. They were sent in to soak up machine gun ammo. Same thing happened until the 4th or 5th wave of ships.
The draft isn't about fitness or strength or ability. It's about numbers.
a spaghetti body male over a reasonably strong woman is obviously not the best comparison, however, i don't really think the spaghetti body male will be good in the first place and if we compare it like that, obviously the woman is better. i dont see why girls shouldnt be allowed. personally i'm weak and short so i'd probably suck and collapse, but others aren't, so yeah gr8
and females are useless without men, because we are talking about humans where both sexes have to participate in the intercourse in order for an offspring to be conceived. Also please keep this discussion related to humans (and especially not plants), because there are a plethora of animals that do not fit the 'males protects females' model, such as the orangutan. As well as the fact that I believe that since we as humans have evolved enough to allow females not to perform their only duty nature or 'biology' created them for - birthing children - men should be given the same right.
Once again, if men are still forced to protect the weak ones (women, children, and the elderly), a duty they've been doing for thousands of years as members of the animal kingdom, why are we allowing women to choose not to perform **their** duty as part of members of the animal kingdom, the duty of giving birth? Why were there, after an event like WWII where ~400,000 American men died, no laws forcing women to give birth? Now you may say that this is actually a positive thing since the world is overpopulated (so their death was beneficial to the rest of us) - a statement I agree with - but doesn't that mean that it is even more vital that we allow women, potential baby machines, into the war?
so what you're saying is that you're not looking for men, you're looking for strong people, of which not all men are
look, if you want strong people, just say you want strong people. i dont get why people cant figure this out. yes, that's generally men, yes, you'll get mostly men, but isnt that what you expect anyway
if there happens to be women who outperform some men, are you going to replace them with weaker men because muh black and white worldview?
SMH at ppl who wanna abolish the draft. Does it suck? Yes. But when the country is on the line either some of us die now or all future generations die.
That's not how todays modern warfare even works. There's no need for a draft. If a modern country wanted to wage war on another modern country it'd be over very fast with todays technology.
What I'm saying is there's no point for a draft cause we'd all be dead or the war would be over if we were in a point were a draft was somehow needed.
Sigh is actually talking sense. Well done. It's a bit messy though, women and children first and all that.
deletedover 8 years
it's also why men die earlier bc of testosterone and why sexual selection is by females in all species like god knows what hes doing guys #godrocks
and like maybe if u think about it only men going off to war is them subconciously knowing they are the inferior gender, biologically speaking and they know that they r expendable and the must protect the #women
deletedover 8 years
men are actually supposed to die, they are biologically less important than women because women are the ones that give birth. males in pretty much all species just have the role of fertilizing eggs and they are usually more mobile (especially in plants) so there is more dispersal for genetic variation. when you calculate the population growth rate of a species you have to take into account if there is an uneven sex ratio because males are useless without females, and population growth rates are controlled by how many females you have (because males can impregnate more than 1 female at a time, whereas females can only be pregnant once at any given time).
so by sending males off to war nothing really gets affected, males are meant to be the cannon fodder that biology doesnt care about. even those spider ladies eat their husbands bc they are expendable
in a sense being a male is suffering but really being alive at all is suffering bc we all die in the end
this is like biologically speaking though i think every brain, male or female is equal and important