dude you said you were curious\, we explained if you were just curious you woulda said okay and moved on so were you lying and just wanted to comment on the fact that my typing isn't up to the 20 and up status? make ur intentions clear and rorosa typed worse ftr she did ;) XD typed more like moar and shiz
Well obviously you can type however you want, I dont really care. I was just curious why you would go out of your way to type like that. It just reminds me of that old penguin of doom copypasta.
they're both alive. Calvin played his hearts without me. He did not ever answer my calls or call my back. I wouldn't say I'm mad, I'm just disappointed. I would however just like to look at this as a learning experience for him
were u also throwing for him? and were u so mad anna threw for him taking away ur chances???:/
yes to the first question and I plead the fifth to the second.
Well I find it quite counterproductive that you go out of your way to type faster by shortening words but then add random letters after them.
tbh i don't think bat it when i type but i like to make things rythme if it rly bothers u i can try to type normal but id be so bored reading my own writing
Well I find it quite counterproductive that you go out of your way to type faster by shortening words but then add random letters/acronymes/emotes after them.
Im literally just writing the words with a few spelling errors because I suck.
You go out of your way to write like a....I dont even know. Why do you type like that?
do u mean writing u instead of you and ur instead of your? i only type like this informally its just an em website i can type like a rtd if its faster and easier lol