Outside of Hearthstone, you remind me a bit of the Harkonnen mentat from Dune II. He's quite shifty, and has his ways of getting you on-side with what he's saying. You never quite know if he's working for himself, or working for what he's representing. Clever chap is the old mentat.
As far as Hearthstone goes, well, hmm. Let me have a think. I mean, you're a bit of a Shifter Zerus, because you've been all over the place with allegiances over the years, but I think a more grandiose way of saying this is to give you Yogg-Saron, particularly a Yogg-Saron which casts Mind Control on the enemy Doomsayer. You're predictably unpredictable. To further elaborate, you can be quite self destructive at times too!
Don't take this the wrong way, but you kind of remind me of the peasants from Warcraft 3. They're just so agreeable about everything, and they sort of dilly dally between being happy, and just being content with being unhappy. Very likeable characters and easy to get along with! That, and you're one of my mods m8.
As for a Hearthstone card, I'd probably give you Malfurion Stormrage, simply because whenever I've watched you play, you've always been on Druid, so I associate it with you quite a lot.
I would have probably given you someone less nonchalant and uninvolved a few months ago. Just keeps himself to himself and likes a dance. Nothing serious.
Skeleton Knight, simply because every single time you quit or self-delete, you come back the next day. RNG dependent? Nah. No RNG here, it's a certainty.
I see you as a strong and passionate individual. Whilst Meryl isn't the protagonist, she's a very prominent character in the game, and is completely able to stand on her own two feet. I think you have quite a fiery character, so I see this as a fitting choice.
Braum... but not because you look like him, although clearly you do.
You're a bit of a LoL fanboy, and you're a solid support, dear boy. Even though you're in the background helping out wherever necessary most of the time, you're not afraid to stick the head in whenever you feel it's needed.