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Forum Mafia 16

about 8 years

Hey guys welcome to Forum Mafia 16 with your hosts Sonia and Gerry! sign up below (kudos to mist for using her rules thing)

The Mafia have won!

I. The Schedule:

72 hour days and 24 hour nights.

If the majority of night actions have not been submitted by the end of the night, I will extend the night another 12 hours. This will only occur once per night at most.

II. The Setup:

(Changes from previous forum mafia games are in bold)

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below

  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.

  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.

  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.

  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day. **

  • One mafia makes the kill each night. They will be the only one to visit the target.

  • On death, players flip their full role by default.

  • Members of the mafia may both make their role action as well as the factional kill on the same night.

III. The Roles:

IV. The Rules:

Please note the addition of the Twilight phase (in short, discussion after the hammer has occurred is now allowed until I am present to begin the night phase). Also, supermajority rules are in effect with no time limit. also

Editing your posts is not allowed. Use the EBWOP function (Edit By Way of Post) if you need to restate something or fix a spelling error.

V. Game Mechanics:

Meetings between players (mafia, masons, templars) will be facilitated in whatever way is most convenient for the players, as long as I can access these communications. Skype, Discord, QuickTopics, or Private Messages which include the moderators are all fine. Votes must be made in the format Vote: Playername. Bolding is done using the tags [b][/b].

about 8 years
you saying that your town everyone post makes me want to think your mafia

about 8 years
reactions* whatever.

My reads aren't any more forced than you could expect them to be, as town.
about 8 years
I realize he did a good job as mafia with me in Lovers' Mafia and I didn't ntoice it fully becasue I was his partner so I want to be more careful. my main tr on him was OGI + one moment where i thoguht his reaction were good. i don't fos him but i'm not ready to tr him yet.

also fyi he's confident i'm town and his read is correct, as you guys should consider the likelihood of, since he's played with me as both alignments before...
about 8 years
no i just reread and decided to retract my tr on him. it has nothing to do with your alignment.
about 8 years
I have a tr, if that counts lol, I'll just sheep whatever he votes lol

me being clear makes you retract your tr on N1ed? I thought he was your strongest tr?
about 8 years
I'm not freaking out, just annoyed. Now TR me, .
about 8 years
(jokes dont hate me plz)
about 8 years
friendly reminder that using all caps is a way to show that your not freaking out

about 8 years
I retract my tr on n1ed...
about 8 years
JESUS . Ponylove I WAS VERY OBVIOUSLY UNSURE OF WHO TO VOTE BEFORE YOU WERE CLEARED AND BEFORE I THOUGHT YOU SLIPPED. I briefly set my vote on you after you seemed to slip, because even if it weren't a slip I wouldn't have thought of a better target, then I unvoted as soon as you were cleared and kept my JOY to mysefl at having SOMETHING to go off of. Then, I moved on and made a joke about not knowing who to vote.
about 8 years

PonyLove says

I'm thinking Impoetic is maf a lot more now, like since she learned I was town she like, kinda freaked out.

about 8 years

justdance666 says

i cast my official forum mafia 16 vote for: player 10 Impoetic!

bad lol. Justdance, the self-proclaimed best player here, tunnels town for what, the fourth game in a row?

Get it over with.
about 8 years
Okay so jeff/Mori/pony are all town imo and these are realy confident reads. I hope that the rest of you towntell more it will help alot
deletedabout 8 years
i cast my official forum mafia 16 vote for: player 10 Impoetic!
about 8 years

UltraAug says

also i dont think people voting pony was a scumtell on them because they were really scummy town lol

This is correct, but I think who we DO need to take into account is the people who were unwilling to vote her.
about 8 years

mist says

Christ, fine, I'll push this angle first. I hate that AtE works on me every freaking time.

Vote: Solace

you did

also ive been having this gut read on pap this whole game and it makes me mad because i cant get it out of my head
about 8 years

xSoniaNeverMindx says

justdance666 says

gerry can you confirm if shrub was an executioner kill

We can not confrim or deny this

im going to assume this is an executioner kill because when i was in a game as assassin (that was me im so pro ect we lost)
it was worded a lot different cough

shot Vig Lynched D1
also its labeled as "lynched" not "killed"

and im also going to assume it was a mafia sided executioner since they killed a person who claimed pr.

also i dont think people voting pony was a scumtell on them because they were really scummy town lol

thats my oppinion ofc

also ty for actually existing now mist cough thats good stuff
deletedabout 8 years
you don't know who to push a lynch on while feeling like you specifically need to push a lynch on someone
about 8 years

justdance666 says

Impoetic says

PonyLove says

I'm thinking Impoetic is maf a lot more now, like since she learned I was town she like, kinda freaked out.

how did i freak out

you don't know who to vote

that sure freaks me out!!

I must be mafia.
deletedabout 8 years

JeffreyAaron says

Sorry for the meta but after N1ed's play here and his maf flip in Lovers Mafia I'm close to voting him.

I mean, yeah, but if you actually look at N1ed's town games it looks a lot like that too. N1ed just does a really good job of emulating his towngame as maf I think. Kinda hard to base a meta read on that.
deletedabout 8 years
I thought I voted Solace.

Vote: Solace
about 8 years
Fair enough
about 8 years
Because for what reason as mafia would you outright claim PR with one vote on you in a situation that likely isn't MYLO.
about 8 years

JeffreyAaron says

I can't read N1ed.

Pony's ATE is so ugly I'm upset I am weak Unvote

I'm giving Mist my hard tr alongside the one I gave Mori.

Vote: UltraAug

i am correct this time. undoubtedly.

JeffreyAaron says

Sorry for the meta but after N1ed's play here and his maf flip in Lovers Mafia I'm close to voting him.


Also why are you so quick to trust my claim after scumreading me from day start..

this was from a quick skim which took forever on mobile. Why does this state only have internet half the time plz
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

PonyLove says

I'm thinking Impoetic is maf a lot more now, like since she learned I was town she like, kinda freaked out.

how did i freak out

you don't know who to vote