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Forum Mafia 15

deletedabout 8 years

                                        It is endgame. Mafia wins.


Mechanics/ Sample Role PM:

Deadline and Procedure:

Special notes:

about 8 years
If anything she'd be more likely to say it as scum becasue she's confident in who is maf and who isn't and wouldn't feel bad saying it after hammering town
about 8 years

justdance666 says

i can't tell whether you're mad that i'm able to solve the game or mad that you can't

yeah, because it's null. I could easily see mist saying this as either alignment
deletedabout 8 years

mist says

justdance666 says

"you're mafia because you do town things and point out that you have down town things when you get voted!!!!!"

You've been pointing them out all freaking game. Your day 1 was literally just you parading around trying to be as towny as you possibly can. Step off, nutter.

entirely incorrect
deletedabout 8 years

justdance666 says

"you're mafia because you do town things and point out that you have down town things when you get voted!!!!!"

You've been pointing them out all freaking game. Your day 1 was literally just you parading around trying to be as towny as you possibly can. Step off, nutter.
about 8 years
You might not do it but I certainly would be willing to, as a local idiot, and i think you yourself are fairly confident in your ability so I wouldn't have put it past you until now, when you're hammered and saying you wouldn't
about 8 years

Ripple says

The only people I refuse to vote this game are the obv town N1'd and Impoe everyone else is FAIR GAME

deletedabout 8 years
At this point I do think there's a mafia in Ian and Mist I just really can't tell (yes I can) who the mafia is in those 2
deletedabout 8 years
"you're mafia because you do town things and point out that you have done town things when you get voted!!!!!"
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

mist says

justdance666 says

mist you're acting like i didn't already solve this game and just need people to realize that i'm town to win lol

You're acting like reasons you shove in people's faces over and over to townread you should make you town. When your gameplay is centered around consciously trying to towntell, people tend to not give a flying frick when you tell them you're town again and again. This isn't a difficult concept.

I hope you're not saying this to score townpoints because I consider this all very null

I'm telling him why he got wagoned because he seems so certain that he should be the paragon of towniness.

Seriously though, selfhammering what, 10 minutes after I got home to start participating in the thread was a class act dude. You don't know that I wouldn't have unvoted, you're just acting like a child.
deletedabout 8 years

mist says

justdance666 says

mist says

justdance666 says

mist you're acting like i didn't already solve this game and just need people to realize that i'm town to win lol

You're acting like reasons you shove in people's faces over and over to townread you should make you town. When your gameplay is centered around consciously trying to towntell, people tend to not give a flying frick when you tell them you're town again and again. This isn't a difficult concept.

it's not about trying to towntell, it's about solving the game presenting logic which objectively makes me town. how can you act like i'm the arrogant one when you refuse to even consider that

I've seen way more "hey guys this is a towntell from yours truly!" out of you than any genuine looking efforts to solve the game. your push on me is pitiful and your other reads are just flippantly townreading people. wowie sorry if i'm not convinced.

i can't tell whether you're mad that i'm able to solve the game or mad that you can't
about 8 years
hell, this is null even if ian flips mafia.

mafia can buss d2 or let town keep a ml without clearing anyone and then tr themselves off it. I still don't think that's impsosible
deletedabout 8 years

justdance666 says

mist says

justdance666 says

mist you're acting like i didn't already solve this game and just need people to realize that i'm town to win lol

You're acting like reasons you shove in people's faces over and over to townread you should make you town. When your gameplay is centered around consciously trying to towntell, people tend to not give a flying frick when you tell them you're town again and again. This isn't a difficult concept.

it's not about trying to towntell, it's about solving the game presenting logic which objectively makes me town. how can you act like i'm the arrogant one when you refuse to even consider that

I've seen way more "hey guys this is a towntell from yours truly!" out of you than any genuine looking efforts to solve the game. your push on me is pitiful and your other reads are just flippantly townreading people. wowie sorry if i'm not convinced.
about 8 years

mist says

justdance666 says

mist you're acting like i didn't already solve this game and just need people to realize that i'm town to win lol

You're acting like reasons you shove in people's faces over and over to townread you should make you town. When your gameplay is centered around consciously trying to towntell, people tend to not give a flying frick when you tell them you're town again and again. This isn't a difficult concept.

I hope you're not saying this to score townpoints because I consider this all very null
deletedabout 8 years

Gerry says

justdance666 says

mist says

This just in! Breaking news! Local idiot is positively flummoxed that someone who is scumreading him won't listen to his logic as for why he's town when all game his entire play has been trying to towntell.

Like, whoa, maybe I'm pretty much numbing myself to all the towntells you're clearly trying to force in our faces, Ian. You did this to yourself.

i gave a town circle of four people, which is what you need to win the game o_________________________________________________________o


that you could still easily be mafia
deletedabout 8 years
The only people I refuse to vote this game are the obv town N1'd and Impoe everyone else is FAIR GAME
deletedabout 8 years

mist says

justdance666 says

mist you're acting like i didn't already solve this game and just need people to realize that i'm town to win lol

You're acting like reasons you shove in people's faces over and over to townread you should make you town. When your gameplay is centered around consciously trying to towntell, people tend to not give a flying frick when you tell them you're town again and again. This isn't a difficult concept.

it's not about trying to towntell, it's about solving the game presenting logic which objectively makes me town. how can you act like i'm the arrogant one when you refuse to even consider that
about 8 years

justdance666 says

mist says

This just in! Breaking news! Local idiot is positively flummoxed that someone who is scumreading him won't listen to his logic as for why he's town when all game his entire play has been trying to towntell.

Like, whoa, maybe I'm pretty much numbing myself to all the towntells you're clearly trying to force in our faces, Ian. You did this to yourself.

i gave a town circle of four people, which is what you need to win the game o_________________________________________________________o

about 8 years
Jeffreid, the mafia,

and btw I do think there's a POSSIBILITY??? justdance is justatroll, the mafia, but I think it's fairly unlikely because honestly i never vote mafia
deletedabout 8 years

justdance666 says

mist you're acting like i didn't already solve this game and just need people to realize that i'm town to win lol

You're acting like reasons you shove in people's faces over and over to townread you should make you town. When your gameplay is centered around consciously trying to towntell, people tend to not give a flying frick when you tell them you're town again and again. This isn't a difficult concept.
about 8 years

mist says

This just in! Breaking news! Local idiot is positively flummoxed that someone who is scumreading him won't listen to his logic as for why he's town when all game his entire play has been trying to towntell.

Like, whoa, maybe I'm pretty much numbing myself to all the towntells you're clearly trying to force in our faces, Ian. You did this to yourself.

hi, zayn
deletedabout 8 years

mist says

This just in! Breaking news! Local idiot is positively flummoxed that someone who is scumreading him won't listen to his logic as for why he's town when all game his entire play has been trying to towntell.

Like, whoa, maybe I'm pretty much numbing myself to all the towntells you're clearly trying to force in our faces, Ian. You did this to yourself.

i gave a town circle of four people, which is what you need to win the game o_________________________________________________________o
about 8 years
I pushed that mafia wouldn't vote their partner at the end in mist/aug and that was all I was confident in idk what you're saying rn
deletedabout 8 years
mist you're acting like i didn't already solve this game and just need people to realize that i'm town to win lol
deletedabout 8 years
This just in! Breaking news! Local idiot is positively flummoxed that someone who is scumreading him won't listen to his logic as for why he's town when all game his entire play has been trying to towntell.

Like, whoa, maybe I'm pretty much numbing myself to all the towntells you're clearly trying to force in our faces, Ian. You did this to yourself.
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

justdance666 says

mist says

honestly this game has been insanely unpleasant to play. justdance666 please get your head out of your butt, your play has been really bad no matter how many times you insist again and again and again that you're extremely towny.

"you didn't hammer the town you could have hammered yesterday, the analysis that this makes you town is poor and flawed! die, mafia!"

that may be true but you were bringing that up as a reason again and again and it's hard for me to determine just how towny it is for myself

well it's not like anyone else is gonna push any thought about vote logic