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Forum Mafia 15

deletedabout 8 years

                                        It is endgame. Mafia wins.


Mechanics/ Sample Role PM:

Deadline and Procedure:

Special notes:

about 8 years
p.s. I hate my point of view and I make all the wrong decisions everywhere in all situations irl and ingame
about 8 years
objectively you were towny but, from my point of view, everyone was towny
about 8 years
and frankly I still can't fully grasp how that clears you even though I fully believe you're town
about 8 years
She also thought you were trying to garner TR's D1, which is more or less a matter of perception
about 8 years

justdance666 says

yeah, but if no one picks up on logic that makes you town you have to point it out

also i'm assuming she's town for the sake of belittlement

if she's town she's probably saying this because people get defensive when insulted. I don't really think she's town atm
about 8 years
anyway I definitely remember all those things being in that range, objectively
about 8 years
I can't look at my iq test and I think one of htose categories wasn't on there but i forget which one :\\\
about 8 years
verbal comprehension skills: triple digit single digit
nonverbal comprehension skills: triple digit single digit
working memory: triple digit single digit
processing speed: single digit
mafia-playing skill: N/A
deletedabout 8 years
yeah, but if no one picks up on logic that makes you town you have to point it out

also i'm assuming she's town for the sake of belittlement
about 8 years
it isn't but in my experience stating towntells makes them harder to trust, regardless of whether that's totally logical or not, and it's true that mafia ONLY wants to be townread while town wants to find scum first and foremost and is transparent (usually) when they are trying to get townread, which you were at the end, but... eh

also didn't you think mist was mafia? BC she could be reapplying/exaggerating it to make her sr convincing, of course
deletedabout 8 years
i can't get over how mist thinks that trying to get townread is a scumtell
about 8 years
oh come on you're both smart stop it
deletedabout 8 years

Gerry says

justdance666 says

this is a sign of your double digit iq

says the person who self hammered. lol

about 8 years

justdance666 says

this is a sign of your double digit iq

says the person who self hammered. lol
about 8 years

justdance666 says

this is a sign of your double digit iq

implying he's smarter than me!!!!!!
about 8 years
if town wins after we ml 2.5 townies AGAIN that just kind of sucks.
deletedabout 8 years
this is a sign of your double digit iq
about 8 years
this is why you got lunched.
deletedabout 8 years
i'm not saying you can't be partners with either of those people
about 8 years
"Gerry was ok with voting Connor who is my TR. N1ed is also my Tr and so is Impoetic. Gerry can't be partners with anyone based on my logic, but gerry is definitely mafia"
about 8 years

justdance666 says

reminder that gerry was ok voting connor because connor's top scumread was ripple, who was gerry's top townread

"Gerry is unlikely to be teamed with Mist. He's also unlikely to be teamed with Ripple. But it's 2/3 in Mist/Ripple/Gerry"
deletedabout 8 years

Gerry says

Ripple says

Gerry says

Ripple says

Gerry says

Okay, f*ck it. I'm starting all my reads over. Everyone is null starting now. IDGAF what you've done up till now. I'm voting based on reads right NOW and tomorrow.

This post better be fake btw

And if it's not?

I will refuse to speak to you the rest of this game and will ignore everything you say posted towards me

Cool! Not gonna tr this. Just like I shouldn't tr what you did earlier.

Me overreacting would be quitting the game is that what you'd like? : )
deletedabout 8 years
reminder that gerry was ok voting connor because connor's top scumread was ripple, who was gerry's top townread
deletedabout 8 years
k drnk your own poison and when gerry our lord and savior tunnels town into the ground I am going to happily yell at every single town and shake the mafias hand for getting a win handed to them and guess what it won't even be gerry's fault it will be you people who let him live
about 8 years

Ripple says

Impoetic says

is it really

Would you want someone in this game who is CHOOSING to ignore 157 pages worth of content?

I think you're overreacting. But, fine.