TepLep says steph says Christopherzilla says steph says Christopherzilla says well if I don't murder it the next guy will and take the money i'd just kill the next guy are you saying you'd have no trouble killing another human? puppies are pure, humans are corrupt//hence the fact why many ppl would kill a dog for money because dogs never attacked anyone or anything unprovoked besides like wild coyotes and stuff many dogs become violent because of the way they are treated by humans. Like did u miss the whole pit pull discussion about how they are often seen as violent dogs but people also used to throw put pulls in pits to fight. It is often about how they are raised that can make them develop an aggressive personality.
And I mean... Because people haven't attacked other people unprovoked???
Like damn y'all are taking this so literal, if u really wanna go kill a puppy I can't stop you?
deleted over 8 years
steph says Christopherzilla says steph says Christopherzilla says well if I don't murder it the next guy will and take the money i'd just kill the next guy are you saying you'd have no trouble killing another human? puppies are pure, humans are corrupt // hence the fact why many ppl would kill a dog for money What if that puppy grew up to be puppy hitler?
steph says Christopherzilla says steph says Christopherzilla says well if I don't murder it the next guy will and take the money i'd just kill the next guy are you saying you'd have no trouble killing another human? puppies are pure, humans are corrupt // hence the fact why many ppl would kill a dog for money what if the person was a trans disabled minority
steph says Christopherzilla says steph says Christopherzilla says well if I don't murder it the next guy will and take the money i'd just kill the next guy are you saying you'd have no trouble killing another human? puppies are pure, humans are corrupt//hence the fact why many ppl would kill a dog for money because dogs never attacked anyone or anything unprovoked
Christopherzilla says steph says Christopherzilla says well if I don't murder it the next guy will and take the money i'd just kill the next guy are you saying you'd have no trouble killing another human? puppies are pure, humans are corrupt // hence the fact why many ppl would kill a dog for money
deleted over 8 years
with the 18 billion i'll invest into research to reanimate dead animals and bring the puppy back to life. check mate.
steph says Christopherzilla says well if I don't murder it the next guy will and take the money i'd just kill the next guy are you saying you'd have no trouble killing another human?
i didnt know filthyfrank was still a thing in 2016. honestly, one of the worst youtubers ever. and one of the worst fandoms ever. and thats coming from a homestuck.
deleted over 8 years
I was all for killing it till I saw the pupper in question
Christopherzilla says well if I don't murder it the next guy will and take the money i'd just kill the next guy
Jimbei says 18. billion. this guy knows whats up I can put the money to good use, and the puppy's sacrifice to save millions of more puppies lives. too late i already killed it for 10 grand
deleted over 8 years
18. billion. this guy knows whats up I can put the money to good use, and the puppy's sacrifice to save millions of more puppies lives.
It will never understand...
well if I don't murder it the next guy will and take the money
make it $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one nonillion) and then we'll talk (jk probably for 25 billion, I mean that's a lot of money)