OK this thread is officially bad now, abandon ship.
BearGuru - in case you've come back to the site, not to return, because you're cool and have a life now, but just an occasional check-in to say hey and see what's up, but definitely not to return, come to this thread so we can FYIOSD
ScubaSteve says Renaldo says FMIOSD Renaldo says what's the update on site drama? #sitedrama Everything sucks and nothing matters, the end.
ice says You have nostrils. ah yes thank u ice, i totally forgot about those
krystalk says Blister says johnreid says Is the pentagon Krystalk and 4 dudes. no that's next week i wish i had 4 holes for 4 dudes 2 of them can share
Blister says johnreid says Is the pentagon Krystalk and 4 dudes. no that's next week i wish i had 4 holes for 4 dudes
deleted over 8 years
johnreid says Is the pentagon Krystalk and 4 dudes. no that's next week
Is the pentagon Krystalk and 4 dudes.
I guess no one realized that the real gossip is that there is no gossip. Only this thread.
deleted over 8 years
ice says Ok when's this being posted, I need to sleep soon same!!
deleted over 8 years
Renaldo says FMIOSD Renaldo says what's the update on site drama? #sitedrama Ok when's this being posted, I need to sleep soon
what's the update on site drama? #sitedrama
deleted over 8 years
Plot twist: Blister goes on to become the first cyberpunk country star, with his hit single: "How the girl I met on a website about lying wasn't faithful, and my dog died"
deleted over 8 years
D; sorry I dont do skype circlejerks!!!!
Blister says before this gets posted i wanna say this was WILDLY exaggerated I BEG TO DIFFER.
Patience children. We are formatting the post. Please hold.
Sorry about your loss blister :(
gotta protect ur street cred