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video ama

deletedabout 8 years

you have to ask me a question or for an opinion or something and i shall do it in video format

deletedabout 8 years
Have you ever been mod? :O

If yes, what's it like? :P
deletedabout 8 years
What is your history with EpicMafia :3
about 8 years
you dont look or sound like i expected i thought you were an emo kid from new jersey but i'm glad you like dik-diks too, they are named for the whistling noise they make through their noises when they run from predators
about 8 years
about 8 years
What are you gonna do when Golbamania runs wild on you?
deletedabout 8 years
Some thought provoking questions:

1) Would you rather bang your mom in your girlfriend's body or your girlfriend in your mom's body?

2) Would you rather bang your dad and have no one know, or not bang your dad but no matter what you say or do or where you go, EVERYONE will think you banged your dad?

3) Are cells alive?
deletedabout 8 years

dia says

wats ur fav hentai

tricksterer says

whats your thoughts on dik-diks (dwarf antelopes)

dia says

what did soulja boi really tell em

Jimbei says

when will you make good youtube videos? I looked all over your channel and couldn't find any
about 8 years
where do you side on el classico?
would you rather have peen sized nipples or a nipple sized peen?
have you watched rwby?
why havent you watched rwby?
will you now watch rwby?
describe your relationship with artic the best you can
have you played an einstein's riddle, and were you able to solve it?

do you have a sister?
deletedabout 8 years
Do you follow the EPL? If so favorite team? Least favorite team?
about 8 years
How did you come to find epicmafia?
about 8 years

Nocturnul says

why are you such a fatass and why is essex inferior

deletedabout 8 years

ThomasDuBois says

why do you poop?

nepenthe says

*why ARE you poop?

carbink says

can u describe ur first ever crush?? =)

dia says

how long did it take u to graduate clown school
about 8 years
stopped caring after he said he never played Zelda
about 8 years
Please upload a video of you reading the whole Communist Manifesto out loud.
about 8 years
are u a fuccboi
about 8 years
:( aw....i wish i could heart the video.

By the way, what would you do if you, ace,me, dia, and neko were in a horror movie. Who would be the hero? Slasher? Lover interest? Be creative :D
deletedabout 8 years

Blister says

zahhaks says

why am i so lonely

i went really in for this 1

#2deep4me :(
deletedabout 8 years

zahhaks says

why am i so lonely

i went really in for this 1
deletedabout 8 years
are u from london
about 8 years
why are you such a fatass and why is essex inferior
about 8 years
what is your favorite scent
about 8 years
Blister, can you write a poem about 2 EM usernames that made you smile?
deletedabout 8 years

ivy says

kiss me

hydra says

Are there female leprechauns?

nepenthe says

who are you?

OikawaTooru says

how many blarts do u succ

arianna says

why is ari the best person ever

ivy says

favorite flavor?

qowjdgns2 says

what's your favorite thing about licking off poop from your toilet seat?

DrPeePee says

Do you have pepperoni nipples? I want proof.

DrPeePee says

Can you do a reaction video to this video?
deletedabout 8 years
when will you make good youtube videos? I looked all over your channel and couldn't find any
about 8 years
what did soulja boi really tell em