[6/4/16, 11:53:24 PM] Cammy EMBB: I KNOW ALL U BITCHE S WNAT IS LIQOUE SMOKRe [6/4/16, 11:53:34 PM] Cammy EMBB: I KNOW ALL U BITHC ES WANT IS D*CK AND dough. [6/4/16, 11:53:49 PM] Cammy EMBB: TELL H ER U DON'T GOTTA GO [6/4/16, 11:54:06 PM] Cammy EMBB: DIFFICULT [6/4/16, 11:54:18 PM] Cammy EMBB: BAYBE SIT CLAM WE DONT NEEDA NEW EPISODE [6/4/16, 11:54:25 PM] Cammy EMBB: HIPPY BNTICHES SENDING ME T*TY PICSUTES!!! [6/4/16, 11:54:33 PM] Cammy EMBB: SHE TLD ME NEW RELIGHION IS THE NO RELIGION! [6/4/16, 11:54:40 PM] Cammy EMBB: SHE TOLD ME SHE OWDNT BVLEIEVE IN GOD BUT HER SHOES CHRISTISNA! [6/4/16, 11:54:56 PM] Cammy EMBB: I HEARD HSE SERVFING EVERYBODYA T THE SOAP KTICHEN!! [6/4/16, 11:55:30 PM] Cammy EMBB: ok the rest of the v ERse is POOPY [6/4/16, 11:55:38 PM] Morgan: poping lpils like zits while someone vomits on ur mostiquito t*ts [6/4/16, 11:55:43 PM] Morgan: s????????????????????????????????????? [6/4/16, 11:55:47 PM] Cammy EMBB: GOOD LINE [6/4/16, 11:55:47 PM] Morgan: what hia miding with my life [6/4/16, 11:56:00 PM] Cammy EMBB: i say the nex tline [6/4/16, 11:56:21 PM] Cammy EMBB: mostiquiot itits? BIG MITts! tak e that sh*ITS! [6/4/16, 11:56:33 PM] Morgan: slitting wrists while drk evil sipirits lik slythrin slither in w trik s [6/4/16, 11:56:58 PM] Cammy EMBB: TRicks ! i'm a magicerian! evil spirits like the aaspritis IN MY CUP!!! [6/4/16, 11:57:06 PM] Morgan: what re we doiing cammy? [6/4/16, 11:57:07 PM] Morgan: ?? [6/4/16, 11:57:10 PM] Cammy EMBB: rapping?>!
[6/4/16, 11:52:28 PM] Cammy EMBB: BITCHE SKNOW TLEL HTAT HOE IT'S DIFFERNT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKS!! [6/4/16, 11:52:54 PM] Cammy EMBB: CAME UP OUT THE ENOUGH PLAYSING W/ THE DIFFERENT SNOw! [6/4/16, 11:52:57 PM] Cammy EMBB: TAKE MY ****** TOO THE PAFICICO!! [6/4/16, 11:53:08 PM] Cammy EMBB: 401!! [6/4/16, 11:53:08 PM] Morgan: uo are good [6/4/16, 11:53:17 PM] Cammy EMBB: WE NO LONGER FISH SCALES IN Fishing boat! [6/4/16, 11:53:23 PM] Morgan: sfish
To fill you all in: Bebop has entered the EMBB house for his birthday today/tonight, and him and cammy got totally smashed and are spouting nonsense together and it's hilarious
[04:02:31] Allen: make sure you drink water in the morning or later so you have stuff to puke up [04:03:13] Morgan: thank uo blasy [04:05:04] Morgan: cjn104watnes ot date u [04:05:37] Allen: who [04:05:42] Allen: is that even a girl [04:05:55] Morgan: balsy lps giv him a cjance [04:06:18] Allen: youu can tell him to s*ck my b*lls [04:06:32] Morgan: thats arraher forawrd
[6/4/16, 10:47:38 PM] Morgan: emy blallsy said eh wanted m e to as kyuo if yo were single but to say it wasfrom a friend [6/4/16, 10:47:39 PM] Morgan: ???? [6/4/16, 10:47:58 PM] Morgan: he doesn;t know otyou [6/4/16, 10:48:18 PM] Emmy: lmao [6/4/16, 10:48:35 PM] Emmy: i’m sort of talking to someone [6/4/16, 10:48:49 PM] Emmy: also lol @ you ruining his game [6/4/16, 10:49:17 PM] Morgan: hesaid he wanted hyo to pick him sup on it [6/4/16, 10:49:24 PM] Morgan: so u could start y talknig [6/4/16, 10:49:45 PM] Morgan: his pickupi gamesg bis rely bad h e hit on mygirlfirend [6/4/16, 10:51:18 PM] Morgan: On 6/2/16, at 9:40 PM, Allen wrote: > ok i need you to do me a favor and say to her "are you single? i'm asking for a friend" nothing worse than putting in effort on a taken girl
[6/4/16, 10:51:24 PM] Morgan: im srory i can't type well
deletedalmost 9 years
If the Cosmo/Cammy HOH sweep continues, Cosmo will win the f4 HOH, and if Cammy survives the eviction, she would win the f3 HOH and (probsibly) send Cosmo packing for being a challenge threat and actually having a chance to win the game.
f3 challenge includes everyone but yeah that sure would be a catastrophe