It's that time of the month again!
Do your worst.
The rules are:
- Copy and paste the list from the person above and edit it.
- Subtract 2 from a mod/admin and add +1 to another
- You may post once every 4 hours.
- Do NOT add new people
> GERRY WINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
admin (20)
Solace (20)
annajane (20)
Slowbro (20)
haze (20)
Hibiki (20)
Sonrio (20)
peach (20)
antikrist (20)
Laptop (20)
pingu (20)
SimplyPam (20)
Totori (20)
Anthony (20)
Gerry (20)
Loser (20)
Death Messages:
SimplyPam: "I just wanted slow to notice me... just one time."
admin: "Wait.. did I remember to shut down epicmafia?"
Slowbro: "Oh Pam you're here... is there any way I can die twice?"
(admin whispers: "take me with you!")
Totori: "Desu Desu!"
Laptop: "Oh hey slow!, Totorii!! omg lucid hi!....... wait who are you?"
(SimplyPam replies: "It's me... pam?... I've been on the mod team with you for like ever...")
(Laptop confused ... "O-kay?...")
Loser: "Haha.. hahahaha..."
annajane: "still better than togepi"
Hibiki: "desu desu desu"
haze: "succ me tbh"
Sonrio: "....................... gio gio"
peach: "you better ot that vio now that I'm dead"
Anthony: "Once a mod.. always a mod"
antikrist: "yaaass himaa succ me"
Solace: ":)"
pingu: "Noot noot!"