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Add party music to Party Host night

over 8 years

(This is my first forum post pls be gentle) For too long we've had to deal with no party music during party host nights, just rainbow text and that was not very party-like by itself. That is why I am requesting a song or songs that can play during PH night, and if people want this then they can choose the song that would most fit the night. Music choices can be posted in the comments, please upvote ones you'd like to see in the game if this passes.

Remember - no copyrighted music! Someone mentioned the party host being able to play a youtube video, thats a good idea too. Wonder why it flopped before.

over 8 years

I think is song is good for PH. :)
over 8 years
If the petition passes I can make a separate poll of music choices that popped up and have people vote on that.
over 8 years
over 8 years
Well you pick something then :v
over 8 years
no i hate that song
over 8 years