Honestly. The president matters but I believe there is a behind the scenes crowd that actually kinda decides in secret.The president is more of a figure head to keep the real rulers out of the light.I don't think they would let Bernie Sanders be that guy because he doesn't seem to be a team player. I'm going to puke if Donald Trump gets in. Hillary could be the first Female president or Ted Cruz the first Hispanic President but does it matter? Right now , my main concern is that Trump has way more support then he should. This guy could be the most horrible U.S. President ever.I would rather have Sanders because he seems to want to make effective changes without excuses and not blaming the welfare and Social security recipients because he also knows that corporate america receives more benefits and breaks than the poor do. BERNIE SANDERS WOULD BE MY PICK BUT.. I WOULD GUESS THAT HILLARY WILL BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.A.