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Pick a Super Power

over 8 years

You get an invitation in the message box. After you check it, you notice it's from Lucid. Lucid invites you to his office located in the slums of Detroit. You head down there and stand before Lucid in his offer where he offers you on of five boxes to open. Each box is a different color; Green, blue, red, yellow, and grey.

Lucid tells you, if you pick the red box, you get to ban one player, but, no matter what computer they attempt to play on, they will not be able to play epic mafia on any computer in the entire world. The ban will last their entire life time and is a soul ban. This doesn't prevent you from being banned for breaking the rules.

Lucid moves his hand over to the yellow box. Lucid tells you that if you pick this box, you get the power to enter any passworded game or lobby and cannot be kicked by the host either. This doesn't prevent you from being banned for breaking any rules except rules involving harassment.

After Lucid stares at the box in wonder, he stares at you while slowly moving his hand over to the blue box. Lucid tells you that if you pick the blue box, you will be able to play epic mafia while you sleep and without a computer. You will be logged in and will be able to type and say anything you want. This doesn't prevent you from being banned by rules that already exist.

Lucid looks at you with his head nodded and smirks a little as his hand moves over to the green box. Lucid tells you in an oriental south asian accent with a bit of a soft tone, if you pick this box, you will be able to read all whispers and private messages sent in the game. This will not prevent you from being banned for breaking any rules, but, you get to read everything everyone is saying to each other or thinking. The only thing you cannot read is passwords. Magically they just don't appear to you.

Lucid begins putting the boxes away as he ask you what box you pick, but, when Lucid is putting away the grey box, you quickly yell,"wait!". Lucid stops moving completely and waits for you. You ask what is in the grey box. Lucid tells you that it is a mystery that will be revealed on page two, but, you have to pick it before page two exist or you will not be able to pick what is in the box. Lucid puts the grey box away then turns on his cozy office chair and kicks his feet up on his oak wooden office desk.

Well guys, what box did you pick? Say so in the comments. I personally pick the yellow box ^.~

Which box do you pick?
deletedover 8 years
I choose the grey box. Lucid opens it. Inside, there's a key. He says: "This is a key to your life. If you take it I will become your obedient slave."

I take the key and become ruler of lucid and thus epicmafia.
over 8 years
for the Shigginator shall return, never to leave, as he is the hero this world needs
over 8 years
I'd bring back SnowyB for DrSharky.
deletedover 8 years
i feel like picking the yellow box would be like watching a cult ceremony you weren't supposed to attend and afterwards having to deal with stalking and harassment until you agree to be their blood sacrifice.
deletedover 8 years
I already use the blue box; plus I like the color yellow... of yolk.
over 8 years
hmm... I'm using greybox to bring back ******CHU!
over 8 years
red box. goodbye terry.
over 8 years


My super power is to break up the big banks, which will allow us, as a country, to do many things, including:

1. Providing universal healthcare for all Americans and everyone seeking to become one.
2. Providing free higher education because the future of our workforce and our country depends on it.
3. Becoming a force of peace and not unmitigated war and aggression by dismantling the military industrial complex as well as by policing those who were trained and hired to protect and serve.
4. Freeing the millions of young people who have been inducted into a subtle and subversive practice of racism.
5. Ensuring the rights of all people irregardless of their gender or sexual orientation, both at their homes and at their workplaces.

over 8 years
My super power is to break up the big banks, which will allow us, as a country, to do many things, including:

1. Providing universal healthcare for all Americans and everyone seeking to become one.
2. Providing free higher education because the future of our workforce and our country depends on it.
3. Becoming a force of peace and not unmitigated war and aggression by dismantling the military industrial complex as well as by policing those who were trained and hired to protect and serve.
4. Freeing the millions of young people who have been inducted into a subtle and subversive practice of racism.
5. Ensuring the rights of all people irregardless of their gender or sexual orientation, both at their homes and at their workplaces.
over 8 years
Just so you know, everyone could argue that their box is the best and give reasonable examples as to why. Meaning, no matter which box you pick, there is always a 80% chance of that box being total garbage in some way (applying odd logic to specific situations and such).
deletedover 8 years
if you leave something you want to read in ur profile during the day, then you can read that material even in your sleep. Meaning you get +8h/day of time awake than the rest of normal sleeping humans.

If you use EM chats as a note pad, you'll have the better short term memory than any other normal human.

the blue box is the most powerful.
deletedover 8 years
blue box is the most powerful
over 8 years
Don't you see, The grey box is the most powerful box of all though Golbolco. What good is a game when nobody wants to play with you?
over 8 years
Told you guys, rip-off.
deletedover 8 years
I wish laserdogbad back
over 8 years
Lucid pulls out the grey box and places it on the top of his desk. Suddenly this song starts playing in the background.

A bright light is inside the box while Lucid begins the open it in the dark office that he couldn't afford to pay the electric bill in because he ad blocker plus on his website.

Inside Lucid reveals that you now have the super power to bring back a single player who use to play epic mafia and they will always play, even if they are dead in real life, and will genuinely act like them, but, you can never gain points, trophies, or anything and get negative 50 karma.

PS, nobodies karma they give you will count toward your karma anymore.
over 8 years
ok second page
over 8 years
number twenty!!!!
next one pls
over 8 years
number 19!!
over 8 years
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years

Christopherzilla says

I hope grey box isn't something sexual

its ok as long as it's with you Chris-san
over 8 years
I hope grey box isn't something sexual
over 8 years
You even negged your own comment. Impressive.
over 8 years