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sandbox owner

over 8 years

i for one support gardenfullofliesbox

but considering the way ownership seems to suddenly shift hands, i can't make myself believe that this will always be.

so!!! in anticipation of any future shifts of ownership, i want to say, here and now, that i NEVER want to be owner of sandbox.

i couldn't handle being hounded by all the people who want their friends unbanned and new emotes added and background changed and all that stuff.

please sign my petition
no more sandbox owners. power to the people!!
never make taur the owner
never make me the owner
over 8 years
over 8 years
im just here to shitpost
deletedover 8 years
hi if you are garden unban lilin from sandbox and if u are not garden repost this on 5 threads or u will have a very bad nightmare 2night, or super duper scary nightmare O_O
deletedover 8 years
hi if you are garden unban lilin from sandbox and if u are not garden repost this on 5 threads or u will have a very bad nightmare 2night, or super duper scary nightmare O_O
over 8 years
Hanging gardens of sandbox
over 8 years
we will corrupt poor garden's soul soon enough
over 8 years
MOD ME MOD ME MOD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over 8 years
I lol'd #yaygardenbox
deletedover 8 years
I know that I'm going to disappoint my fans but I too don't want to be the owner