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Update graphical mode

deletedover 8 years

What about a cool looking, 3D graphical mode option? If host selects this, everyone must participate and go 3D. Basically everyone is wearing a thick cloak, to hide their identity. They can walk around a town (changes between lobbies, e.g sandbox could be a western town, main could be the backstreets of an industrialized city) in first person. They can talk to people (which would show up in the side as a scrolling transparent text roller) or whisper someone (go up to them close and press "whisper") note- this would change game mechanics as people could see who is whispering who- but host doesnt even need to tick the 3D box so your argument really doesn't make sense. If you listen to what Im saying you would jnderstand, so during the night, everyone sleeps on the floor, face up- and the people who have a meeting wake and can sneak around and talk (other ppl cant hear). If there are two meetings they will both occur but in alternate dimensions. Now, if you are say 'BOMB' and you are sleeping, without a night action, you stare up into the sky at the stars (which lucid would add in to simulate real night stars so we can stargaze, view constellations, etc) then, if mafia decide to kill you, they jump infront of your vision and decapitate you. Its sort of a jumpscare of sorts, adds a real scare elemnrttne to the game. If clockmaker say kills you as well, thats X2 jumpscares. Lets say you are gs. At night you wake, and can place a gun on a sleeping players face (they can see it). Again, changed mechanics (you can see your item the second they give it to you) but so is ANON and RANDOM and all the other ones. So, when town wakes up, you hold a gun in your hand, like a FPS. There would be a new option on items in game, called 'reveal'. If you press reveal, suddenly everyone can see you are holding a gun. Then, you can shoot someone, and they die. IF the gun is on no reveal, so in normal mafia it doesnt reveal your name, you have to be STEALTHY as other ppl can still see the general direction of the shot. This will open up a whole new eleent just like playing wink murderer etc. As well as 3D mode, lucid will add a new role called the 'revealer' which will reveal someones item. Imagine passing a bomb around to everyone, then seeing 4 people getting blown to complete utter smithereens of smithereens because theyre all standing next to eachother. Graphics mode & epicmafia need a major uphaul, and because the mods/lucid isnt doing it, i think lucid should add in this 3D mode. Maybe release the game on Ps4 and the new xbox as well.

Also, forgot to mention in game, when someone talks you can enable'bot talking' which would make a robot talk what people are saying.for you, like google translate does. You can choose between 5 different.speakers, 1 even being lucid himself (just a joke)..

Honestly, ~♤ who thinks this should be an option? Just put down your mouse for a second and actually consider it instead of letting your foxed mindset distract you from the idea. Also, survivor lobby should have competitions in graphical mode, like who can run around the town the fastest ( use the wii numchuck to run faster) or hide and seek.

over 8 years
I think we should turn it into a FPS and shoot the mafia instead.
over 8 years
Wow, the prepatch shitposting has reached a new level. Lucid, please implement this. Great read!
deletedover 8 years
You know, I'm not at all surprised this has been made by a noavi.
over 8 years

cub says

make 3d animations of visits, especially hooker

Everyone wants to see her deeds ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

But I think that's too much work on Lucid, tbh. He'll never do it...
over 8 years
make 3d animations of visits, especially hooker
over 8 years
vr mafia
over 8 years
make graphical mode a first-person shooter
deletedover 8 years
I think they should update the 3D graphical mode !! i am one of the people who always use it.
over 8 years
trash idea honestly this is a text game not an fps
over 8 years
too hard to develop
deletedover 8 years
No one uses it though
deletedover 8 years
graphical mode is perfect already, don't touch it
over 8 years

Georgeopolis says

So basically Town of Salem?

except somehow worse.
deletedover 8 years
So basically Town of Salem?
deletedover 8 years

DrPeePee says

Wait people don't already use graphical mode? I'm really the only one?

No, you cant go back on text and quote stuff, its poo. Its only fun if u got like 5 guys all spamming to move places as it looks stupid
deletedover 8 years
Tbh, cool idea in theory. Never going to happen. Too many problems would occur. Plus lucid doesn't even care enough.
over 8 years
what if my wii numchuck is broken
over 8 years
I'm in favor.
over 8 years
>no one notices the sarcasm
over 8 years
Can't wait to watch pewdiepie play it.
over 8 years
so basically making sandbox impossible for the bottom 80% of the players to play properly and making the top 20% need to carry even harder? Plz.
over 8 years
I hate to tell you, but you wrote a 600-word post for nothing.
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years
Wait people don't already use graphical mode? I'm really the only one?
over 8 years