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LastProphets Lament

over 8 years

There are over 7 billion people on the earth. A man tells me he wants to kill people or himself to solve his problems. I ask the man how he is going to kill seven billion people. The man tells ask me why he would kill seven billion people if he only wants to kill the people he doesn't like. I tell the man, because if you kill a few people, out of those seven billion, there will be someone else just like them, and out of killing yourself, someone like you will be here out of those seven billion people.

At first the man didn't understand what I was trying to say, but, he later understood that I was telling him killing and fighting is hopeless, because you will be doing it forever and so will the children you have because the problems you solve grow back. I told the man to attack the problem, but, attack the problem from the root of the problem, human nature. I told the man that if you commit genocide today, a thousand years from now, people of that race would simply be back. This is the nature of humanity. People fail to understand the way race works or the way nationality and politics work. Capitalism always comes at a time before Corperatism and then after that, Communism and Socialism follow before it all goes back to Capitalism again. Empires come and last two hundred and fifty years before being destroyed no matter who built them. People of all nations take credit for all the great works of everyone throughout history, even if history suggest something different. This is human nature and human nature is the source of all problems.

Someone told me once to question what a problem is. This person doesn't realize the rammifications of what he is trying to do in asking so, but, he simply wanted to tone my argument down. The truth is that if we couldn't use the word problem to describe the things that make us feel pain and suffer, we would simply feel pain and suffer as a race forever. The issue is that suffering is a manifestation of human nature. Because we suffer, we strive to no longer suffer. You cannot enjoy real suffering, as that goes against what suffering is. The goal of the human race is to not suffer and to enjoy living. To argue against this is ignorant because it means that first off, you just want to argue; Second off, you don't enjoy living then why are you choosing to live; Third off, if you want to suffer it isn't my problem, but, just know the nature of suffering.

Part of human nature involves being refined. We humans become refined by a shell that is made out of ourselves created by fear. Fear of being judged by our civilization makes us put a shell around ourselves to protect us emotionally. These shells filter our actions and how we act, but, all it is to some people is a shameful act because they are just conforming to society. Shells against beliefs, race, culture, and things that are real is the way humans protect themselves from reality, so to understand the things I am trying to say, you have to strip yourself of these ideas. If you don't strip yourself of these ideas, then you are merely a prejudice person refusing to understand my argument so you can feel good. Like I said, it is human nature not to suffer. You have to suffer to heal these wounds all humans have because a part of our nature is to believe we control the ideas other people have. History has shown these parts of human nature don't work to sustain a civilization and this is why all civilizations ran by a monarchy no longer exist in the open and have to resort to murderous methods to sustain ideology that doesn't work or is out of date and not being modified.

Every time someone like myself comes along, humans are too busy letting history repeat itself in the most futile way and create another shell around themselves of denial just to protect themselves from the philosophy I am trying to tell them. Had they removed those shells, they would see that single people can make a massive difference simply by accepting that human nature is the root of all these problems. Simply because these people are too ignorant to understand what I am saying, they begin to project the judgmental nature they feared, upon the words I say simply to further hide what I am saying from the reality that it is a part of. You can pretend someone you like isn't dating another person, but, the reality is that they probably are. How do you cope with this if you can't even accept your reality for something that seemed irrelevant to you before? It's clear that you probably don't cope with it and become a bitter stalker type who demonizes people trying to live a happy life.

Here is my suggestion to you. There is a part of the human brain that processes fear and a part of the brain that processes property ownership. Remove those two parts of your brain or those two parts of every other humans brain and watch as utopia manifest. Utopia is not in human nature to be manifested at this moment and to put it in human nature would be to remove those two parts of the brain.

This is the part where everyone who had those shells and are in so much denial over reality, begin to attack the two parts of the brain argument. The only thing they are actually trying to do is subconsciously get rid of the argument I made to make their emotions feel better. I have spent years thinking of everything I have said, mostly my entire adult life to be honest, where as the people replying have only spent a few second and are probably younger then I am yet have the audacity to call me pretentious.

Understand that there are two reasons I am saying this. I am trying to find people like myself and I am also trying to help people understand reality for what has been hidden by our own nature. Does that sound wrong? That I want like minded people like myself to gather together and stop being so shameful of who they are just so they can accept human nature for what it is and live a better life?

over 8 years
I'm not coming forward to you unless you prove you are a truther
deletedover 8 years
>Keep in mind that I have spend a very long time thinking about this.

why are you posting it on the Sandbox Forums on a website dedicated to playing mafia

rant about this on a blog or something
over 8 years

ChaoticDoom says

Insert ChaoticDooms Comment Here

You say that without fear there would be no bravery, but, without fear, everyone would be brave by default. You say the world would fall into anarchy without property ownership and it is true that the world would take a step toward anarchy, but, anarchy only fails because people believe they own property, thus trespassing and seeking credit when they can't take credit anymore. Anarchy works into a form of anarcho socialism without the ability for the human mind to process property.

We humans are at the top of the food chain and don't need fear to survive. People who overcome fear are said to become stronger, but, those without the fear in the first place are already strong and thus don't have to take a pointless step. You say people who cannot overcome fear should die, but, the reason being that they cannot overcome fear. What a pointless death if they could not have fear in the first place. Even the brave have the brain rewired so that they can avoid fear or don't actually know of fear and being domesticated while chained by laws. The idea that brave people are somehow any different then people who cannot process fear is incorrect.

Keep in mind that I have spend a very long time thinking about this. I'v had dreams of paradise my entire life and in all of them, it is anarcho socialism and nobody has fear.
over 8 years
Honestly, you make some pretty solid points. And it's true that most of conflict stem from issues of human nature. However, removing those two feelings - fear and property ownership - is not the solution, I think - as those are two constructs that actually empower the human individual. Without fear, there is no bravery, or courage.

If nobody had a sense of property ownership, true anarchy would crush the world. No, I am not calling you pretentious - but perhaps, you have been looking at the wrong issue? I think the true weakness in human mind stems from love, affection. Without affection, everything and everyone would be neutral. It would truly be a society where rewards are given only to those who deserve them; affection will not play a role anymore.

Returning to fear, as that might be a point of conflict. Fear, when implemented and overcome, can truly strengthen a person, not only mentally. Disregarding fear would lead to recklessness. However, fear is a double-edged blade. An individual full of fear will never be able to use their full potential, as their fear would hold them back. However, I think of this not as bad thing - those held back by fear will not advance, and essentially, lose the game that is life. Those held back by fear, those who never overcome their fear - they will never become one of the top, and gradually, they will die out, crushed by their fear.
over 8 years
bad meme
over 8 years
over 8 years