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Village Chooses How Voted Dies

over 8 years

The village gets to to choose how the person who was voted gets to die. The votes have three types of executions. Each execution has a purpose.

Execution 1: Lynch

This method is strait forward. The person is lynched, the end.

Execution 2: Dungeoned

This method, the person is locked away in a dungeon and cannot take part in village meetings anymore, but, can still be revoted to get executed even though it isn't necessary in order to win the game. Mafia simply have to be dungeoned. This method doesn't reveal the role and village can later choose to take the person out of the dungeon. If mafia outnumbers the village outside the dungeon, then it doesn't work anymore. Mafia may kill people who are inside the dungeon.

Execution 3: Shot

A random villager is chosen to get a "golden gun" and gets to shoot the person being killed, however, they may also choose to shoot someone else. Cannot shoot dungeoned people. The golden gun kills anyone no matter if they are granny or anything. Only certain roles can shoot someone else, which is mafia, third party, and insane cop.

over 8 years
We cannot change game mechanics. Please do not suggest things about the game of EpicMafia to the Sandbox mods, you can email Lucid about those changes.
over 8 years
hoensty no
over 8 years
The dungeon option brings some interesting flexibility but at the same time I feel gives village more power since they aren't as punished for getting something wrong when you only have the option to straight up lynch. It's also another option/revote cycle we would always have to go through making games longer to revote someone in the dungeon and honestly games sometimes go way too long as they are already. My two cents anyhow.
over 8 years
what a terrible idea never post on epicmafia again or I'll fill you in lad