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Sandbox Owner Debate

deletedover 8 years

And this is why we can't have nice things.

deletedover 8 years
Elect me and Together We Can Make EpicMafia Great Again!
Vice Penguin: rockgirlnikki
Secretary of State: SnowyB
Secretary of Defense: Zombifest
over 8 years
give shygriff or laserdogbad the lobby or ur pussi
deletedover 8 years

sl0nderman says

DrPeePee says

We need a moderate in office tbh. Is golb that moderate? Idk Id have to see a larger sample size. Kenny was a solid owner, but pandered towards the left. I think if he re-evaluated his mod team it'd be better, error was a good mod at keeping his personal bias out of his decisions while keeping the community happy. Id be fine with error, kenny, Chris, platy, or golb tbh. I just think they need to be careful who they mod.

That's it we aren't friends anymore

If it's any consolation I think you'd be a good owner too frond
deletedover 8 years
mod me i have a degree from a jc in graphic design
over 8 years

DrPeePee says

We need a moderate in office tbh. Is golb that moderate? Idk Id have to see a larger sample size. Kenny was a solid owner, but pandered towards the left. I think if he re-evaluated his mod team it'd be better, error was a good mod at keeping his personal bias out of his decisions while keeping the community happy. Id be fine with error, kenny, Chris, platy, or golb tbh. I just think they need to be careful who they mod.

That's it we aren't friends anymore
deletedover 8 years
We need a moderate in office tbh. Is golb that moderate? Idk Id have to see a larger sample size. Kenny was a solid owner, but pandered towards the left. I think if he re-evaluated his mod team it'd be better, error was a good mod at keeping his personal bias out of his decisions while keeping the community happy. Id be fine with error, kenny, Chris, platy, or golb tbh. I just think they need to be careful who they mod.
over 8 years

DouradaGrelhada says

Can't I just Own sandbox already?! I EARNED IT

YOU earned it?! I earned it!
over 8 years

admin says

ok, i'll circlejerk here this weekend, bookmarked

over 8 years
I love that lucid picked the one thread in which no actual valuable discussion is going on to bookmark.
over 8 years
We need someone with Iron Fist and Golden Heart.
over 8 years
Can't I just Own sandbox already?! I EARNED IT
over 8 years

dad says

lucid change games lobby into gains lobby, focused on fitness and being a stronger member of society

Make this a thing
over 8 years
you could have just said "someone like chrisz"
over 8 years
it's pretty disingenuous to say that only community violations are moderated in sandbox. even during the golden age of sandbox something that was not a community violation (e.g. spamming games) was effectively banned because it made the em experience poor for everyone else. in this time though, as a result of the lack of actual moderation by anyone (site mods don't care about sand people and chris, except when he deputized like 5 people, did it alone if at all), you just had a blizzard of actual community vios that never got handled or slowly get its due.

it's one thing to be against the hegemony of any unelected officials like we've had in sandbox for ages, but it's another to pretend none of those officials did any good.

this process of determining if a community is better served with a democratic or an authoritarian governing body is pretty natural for any online community in my experience and generally speaking, unless handled well, authoritarian bodies end up in the same cycle EM has been in for god knows how long.

there are many avenues to go about it from my experience but one that I'm not sure if anyone has considered yet (mostly because I havent been paying attention tbf) is the idea of an inspector general. basically, a 100% democratically elected mod whose only job is to sit in the mod cabal and make sure things aren't being done badly. the rules and caveats of the position is up for debate but thats the general idea of it. personally I've always seen it as a healthy balance between the necessity of a hard-handed mod team but also in serving the interests of the people to make sure the mod team doesn't jerk themselves to the moon.
over 8 years
the past is the best predictor of the future
deletedover 8 years
quality empiricism
over 8 years
random sandbox users made into mods because theyre friends with the random owner at the time can't tell the difference between actual rulebreaking and someone disagreeing with you or even being a perfectly law abiding piece of trash like myself
deletedover 8 years
interim damage control is the best way i could phrase it
over 8 years
genuine suggestion: remove the owner position from sandbox along with all fake lobby mods

riddle me this
if sandbox isn't moderated except for community violations, and community violations can only be handled by site moderators, then what are lobby mods for?
over 8 years
bad observation tbqh fam
deletedover 8 years
just posting an observation
over 8 years

Harunan says

i've heard way too much about lucid liking and agreeing to ideas and not doing [redacted] so if you actually expect results then honey you got a big storm coming

who asked u
deletedover 8 years
i've heard way too much about lucid liking and agreeing to ideas and not doing [redacted] so if you actually expect results then honey you got a big storm coming
over 8 years
over 8 years

admin says

ok, i'll circle back here this weekend, bookmarked

make dikdik emote site wide