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NEW Sandbox Admin Poll

over 8 years

Thank you for your participation.

over 8 years
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voted the same as last round
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over 8 years
who voted for me i don't even want it lmao
over 8 years
It looks like Garden has one vote and then another one split between him and Boltik. I don't know what would be made of that.
over 8 years

rockgirlnikki says

If the vote wasn't confirmed, it was crossed out, and unfortunately for Cory, none of the people that voted for her confirmed anywhere via message or this very forum. Goodbye.

why are two people with only 1 vote listed
over 8 years
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rockgirlnikki says

Rufioh says


is that a confirmation?

ye man
over 8 years
Chaika on the front page! (This is a confirmation post)
over 8 years
over 8 years

watashinomonogatari says

inb4 some obnoxious person like error, Boltik, Chaika or any other cun­t win this

Any other what?
over 8 years
i voted
over 8 years

watashinomonogatari says

inb4 some obnoxious person like error, Boltik, Chaika or any other cun­t win this

You'll be the first on the other side of the wall once Chaikabox is in power
over 8 years
i voted.. it was a vote
over 8 years
eh i hope whoever wins remembers its sandbox and not egobox tho. reading terms like golbox, kennybox, etc is actually quite sad.
over 8 years
voted again just to re-confirm