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NEW Sandbox Admin Poll

over 8 years

Thank you for your participation.

over 8 years
UPDATE 02/01/2016: I will close the voting at 12:00 am EST on 02/02/2016.

Tomorrow I will tally the results and will help us narrow it down. I'm unsure of what the minimum number of votes will be to qualify for the final round, but I recommend you don't vote yourselves.

Also, if you cannot post in forum **message me**.
over 8 years
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
i voted for my self
deletedover 8 years
all hail himabox
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over 8 years
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What will i do when i will become the owner you ask?

I'll make everything legal ALSO HALF OF THE RULES WILL BE GONE
over 8 years
over 8 years
Circle jerked.
over 8 years
done diddly did it
over 8 years

What sandbox needs is someone who is not into the community so much, that he hates or likes certain people.

I will be a perfect candidate.

1: None of you is my friend. No one will nominate me because no one knows me.
2: If no one is my freind, no one will recieve special treatment.
3: I do not dislike anyone.
4: That means i won't ban anyone for no reason.
5: You need someone who is not that emotional about sandbox.

I am sorry but the perfect candidate is someone outside Sandbox, Or someone like me.

I will never win, But as a moderator i will never do what i feel like.
deletedover 8 years
it's not real
over 8 years
voted :fufu:
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
I voted

(Croned = The)
over 8 years
Voted so people know how important I am in the ruby rack coded game titled epicmafia.
over 8 years
voted again
over 8 years
voted for yogi
deletedover 8 years
i voted
over 8 years
did this 1 too
over 8 years
i did it
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deletedover 8 years