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Epicmafia Adventure #2

about 9 years

A text based adventure game, hosted by me. Post to join the adventuring party. Once you post, I will let you select your starting items, and once everyone is ready, the adventure begins.

You will perform actions by typing "-" then the action. I will then tell you the result of your actions, and roll dice if necessary. Be advised that you cannot take back your actions once you perform them, and that success or even advancement past the first room is not guaranteed to your party. You will need to play smart, and work together if you wish to succeed in this adventure.

P.S. don't sign up if you aren't willing to put a good amount of effort in, last time I did this people took it pretty seriously.

You stand before an impressive moat with the rest of your adventuring party, the murky water not far below. Across it, an enormous gothic castle with decaying stone walls, several tall spires twisting upwards. The air is thick and damp. You can hear faint sounds of people gossiping in the air, though there is no one in sight save for your silent party. A moldy, yet thick wooden bridge invites your entry to the castle.

What you and your comrades seek is the library room of the castle, which contains the mythic everybin document. It is said that every player on the site's most foul deeds are recorded there. You have all done things you're not proud of, things you'd rather were forgotten. The document must be destroyed so that you can finally fulfill your lifelong dream of becoming an epicmafia moderator. And so an alliance of players was formed to brave the dangers of....

...the Castle of Lore

Player Inventory: (items on the bio, updated page 41)

Exterior Player map (Last updated page 80):

Interior Player map (Last updated page 81):

about 9 years
arcbell pls finish this u nerd this was funny
deletedabout 9 years
deletedabout 9 years
I decided to host a new one, with my own tinge of flavor involved. Thread should be up soon
about 9 years

Kerry says

Satan says

dang looks like the only 1 not putting in the EFFORT was the GM gosh arcbell

i wouldnt bash arcbell. he's been a good host when he's been here. i assume something is preventing him from completing this

about 9 years

Satan says

dang looks like the only 1 not putting in the EFFORT was the GM gosh arcbell

i wouldnt bash arcbell. he's been a good host when he's been here. i assume something is preventing him from completing this
about 9 years

Retti says

Kerry says

anyone interested in taking over as GM?

I'll do it. I ran one already under Lore and it would've continued if people didn't just stop posting. I dunno arcbell's grand scheme but I offer two options:

1) Continue from where we left off

2) I restart the thing over with a new vision/dungeon in mind.

well you could remake the thread considering you'd need arcbell to update status'

alternatively you could host a new g
deletedabout 9 years

Kerry says

anyone interested in taking over as GM?

I'll do it. I ran one already under Lore and it would've continued if people didn't just stop posting. I dunno arcbell's grand scheme but I offer two options:

1) Continue from where we left off

2) I restart the thing over with a new vision/dungeon in mind.
about 9 years
P.S. don't sign up if you aren't willing to put a good amount of effort in, last time I did this people took it pretty seriously.

dang looks like the only 1 not putting in the EFFORT was the GM gosh arcbell
about 9 years
anyone interested in taking over as GM?
about 9 years
*slides kerry a 20* so u wanna pop us in the castle unharmed
about 9 years
hi sorry guys im not gonna be able to continue this.

i've promoted kerry to dm if you guys wanna find a way to continue it, go for it.
about 9 years
about 9 years
I'll read these pages when I get up tomorrow morning
deletedabout 9 years

Arcbell says

the numbers I had check out

deletedabout 9 years
Hey arcbell I am still pulling the zombies right?
about 9 years
read the freakin thread guys
about 9 years

The says

inb4 the door crushes all of us when Jeff lets go of the lever

he already did and it was fine and is now holding the door
about 9 years
inb4 the door crushes all of us when Jeff lets go of the lever
deletedabout 9 years
-Run and go help with the door
about 9 years
well ripple your fists only do up to 6 damage iirc. i think you can use judgement on that

it would really suck if people were bein lazy and only reading one page instead of the whole thread. imo
deletedabout 9 years
-help with the door
about 9 years
anyone who isn't a selfish loser please help with with the door/at the door
deletedabout 9 years
Would you guys like me to keep fighting or help you at the door?
about 9 years
i swear some people are either really selfish or really dumb
about 9 years

itg321 says

since the door's being held

-run inside

why not just keep holding the door until everyone ELSE is inside/holding the door?