largely, xxerox seems to have invented a type of behavior in his head in order to explain a problem, and then created a solution to counter that behavior.
the problem is there's no real good reason whatsoever to assume people late joining the round are an actual source of gamethrowers. it's all pure speculation on his part, and almost certainly doesn't mesh with reality, given this site has several persistent, dedicated trolls who spend hours of their life every day playing games on alternate accounts.
the idea of "people joining games late in the round to throw games" seems frankly nothing more than a boogeyman, to me
After 2 violations you will be suspended out of the round. The point to join late is that even if you get a vio, you can just join with another account and keep throwing.
i don't see the relevance whatsoever of competition join date. if you want to throw games, you can just join on the first day
deletedalmost 9 years
You act like it's not the same people in every game anyway.
deletedalmost 9 years
It's something to consider, I'm not saying it's the best option. There are people who play comp (me) not to trophy so, in that respect, it's unfair. But it could also cut down on people throwing games to boost their friends.
deletedalmost 9 years
That's one way to kill half the reports. Stop the games from filling at all
deletedalmost 9 years
If you point farm to 1.5 after the round starts you cant join. You need the 1.5 before the round starts to join.
Look, the team says they are good. I am sure they can catch at least me... right? I mean, catch me in the middle of the act, right? I am sure they can......RIGHT??