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Forum Mafia 11

over 8 years

the game is over, mafia has won

send me a message if you want a spot in the next game. it'll start in a few days

forum mafia 11: the game

by me and soda

I. The Schedule:

36 hours per day, 12 hours per night.

II. The Setup:

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below. Any role can be town or mafia, and have any number of affixes.
  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.
  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.
  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day.
  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.
  • One mafia always leads the kill, and it's always the one that submits the kill last. Each mafia will visit the kill target.
  • On death, players flip their role, alignment and affix type by default, but not their affix details.

III. Supermajority Lynch Rules:

  • A lynch will happen immediately if a supermajority vote is reached (e.g. 9/16)
  • At end of day, "No votes" count as "no one" votes, but will not count towards a mid-day supermajority vote of "no one". The player with the most votes at that end of day, (including "no one") will be lynched.
  • Days can be ended early without a lynch by a supermajority "no one" vote.

IV. Roles/Affixes:

V. Voting:

If you want to vote, use this "[b] vote: player name [/b]"

If you want to unvote, use this "[b] unvote: playername [/b]"


VI. Voting Log:

VII. The Rules:

VIII. Contact:

If you have a question about rules or mechanics, do not ask it in the game. Message me or message soda.

deletedover 8 years
jeff im really close to voting you because everything you say just feels like one excuse after another as to your own discrepancies that i've pointed out time and time again. you cannot say you think your reads are strong when in the very exact post you go out of way to basically say 'idk could be wrong these are all feelings and stuff'
over 8 years
Jeff no one is pissy with you that is always your go to if anyone scum reads you there pissy with you I'm just pushing on you because your my biggest scum read simple
over 8 years
And? I have a TR on Sincerely and I think Icee is scum. Those reads I believe to be good. From there I am struggling to establish or hold reads, hence me flipping my vote so much???
deletedover 8 years

JeffReid says

I don't think I'm on an emotional rollercoaster though. Like I really feel like my reads are good and I have good reasons and idk why you two are all pissy with me.

You, two pages back says

Well you see I'm struggling to establish reads

over 8 years
I don't think I'm on an emotional rollercoaster though. Like I really feel like my reads are good and I have good reasons and idk why you two are all pissy with me.
over 8 years
Hey I have a idea we can end the emotional roller coaster by I don't know VOTING JEFF
deletedover 8 years
i have no reason to given that i don't believe in your logic on iceaac lol
over 8 years
Based on the votes on you, you're not doing that damn well of a job either mate. Take a leap with me Retti and see the wonders of my reads. Vote Icee ;)
deletedover 8 years
it's not convincing anyone else either given nobody is listening to you or voting iceaac.
over 8 years
I don't have the time to stick around tonight, I had a lot of gripes with Stragger's pastebin but not enough to vote him on (especially without discussion) and I don't really feel comfortable leaving my vote on anyone. Not that NLing is an option.

If I have time, I'll try to come back.
over 8 years
No. It's to make an argument that is convincing.
Mine doesn't convince you. Damn damn damn for me I guess.
deletedover 8 years

JeffReid says

Can you prove anything in this game? Lmfao. Anyone fake claiming to have super solid reads on who is scum is an idiot. I see a distinct difference in the play of Icee with, say, Miku. But apparently that's just me.

the whole point of having a scumread is to make an argument proving why you believe someone is scum
over 8 years
Can you prove anything in this game? Lmfao. Anyone fake claiming to have super solid reads on who is scum is an idiot. I see a distinct difference in the play of Icee with, say, Miku. But apparently that's just me.
deletedover 8 years
can you prove that's what he was doing? that sounds like a pretty shallow read developed upon even more shallow meta. a gut feeling is fine but you cannot establish this read anything you are trying to sell a gut read to me. i don't buy it.
over 8 years
Let me explain for the third time why I am voting Iceeac because apparently you struggle with comprehension:

He came in, said a bunch of annoying crap, people said they TR him so he left. He has yet to post again and therefore I think he has resorted to coasting as Mafia when the votes came off him. Thank you.

Edit: He came in, said dumb stuff, got voted, went off deep end to get TR'd by people and now is coasting on it.
deletedover 8 years

JeffReid says

I guess my problem Stragger is that I think and play emotionally so you're gonna just have to come to grips with me reading people in a way that's different than you do. I like to consider myself pretty damn good at town reading people and from there doing a POE based off the way I read. If it doesn't work for you oh well man.

let me level with you jeff. everyone has individual playstyles, everyone plays the game a bit different, but emotions really don't have any place in a game that is merely just heightened debate. if you seek the game out trying to figure out the emotions of people you're going to get burned because people are manipulative and will play to a certain emotion that you will blindly townread because you are not considering the logical side of the coin. furthermore, nobody is going to want to read you (me especially) because they don't want to hear your spiel about how you are upset because i do not read or like the way you play the game. why are you voting iceaac? why is he scum? can you give me more besides shallow meta or emotional drivel?
over 8 years
I guess my problem Stragger is that I think and play emotionally so you're gonna just have to come to grips with me reading people in a way that's different than you do. I like to consider myself pretty damn good at town reading people and from there doing a POE based off the way I read. If it doesn't work for you oh well man.
over 8 years
i'm really sorry I don't think my play the other game was much better and I'm trying to find my footing here
over 8 years
Vote: Sonrio LOOK AT THAT BANDWAGON! Choo choo!
deletedover 8 years
oh yeah Uranus while im rapidfire posting why the hell are you saying it's a serious vote when RVS has been done for like five pages now lmao
deletedover 8 years
i understand you haven't played forum but bandwagons aren't actually a thing that can happen you nog.
over 8 years

Stragger says

Gerry says

Why does everyone always think I'm scummy in forum maf? Is it cause I play differently than normal? lol. w/e I still stick with my reads. I think baller had a decent read. I want Miku today, and I'm not really gonna change that. Claire why are you still troll voting me? You realize the day is gonna end soonish and I could be bw'd my mafia.

uhh this is really bad FUD

Hey, idk about u but I don't wanna be bw by mafia. I don't see how pointing that out is a bad thing. If you're mafia though, you have nothing to worry about ;)
over 8 years
You know if no one is gonna vote scum i'll vote another person i'm fine with dying today Vote Sonrio I'm at a point that if this is the type of game everyone is going to play this is maf win
Edit: Yes it was a joke at first but I still have small sr on gerry nut since gerry is the lord holy savior he can never die Day 1!
over 8 years
I don't understand what was ever so particularly bad about lick. Their posts have been okay and the tone has been town which is all I seem to be capable of reading off of so far.

Gerry, I meant that I might have been convinced you were scum if someone explained their SR really well, but she stopped fosing you so I doubt that will happen. It was a joke vote in the beginning but I'm p sure Claire did fos you for a while there.

uhhhhh mind blanking just posting
deletedover 8 years
just say it now