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Forum Mafia 11

over 8 years

the game is over, mafia has won

send me a message if you want a spot in the next game. it'll start in a few days

forum mafia 11: the game

by me and soda

I. The Schedule:

36 hours per day, 12 hours per night.

II. The Setup:

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below. Any role can be town or mafia, and have any number of affixes.
  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.
  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.
  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day.
  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.
  • One mafia always leads the kill, and it's always the one that submits the kill last. Each mafia will visit the kill target.
  • On death, players flip their role, alignment and affix type by default, but not their affix details.

III. Supermajority Lynch Rules:

  • A lynch will happen immediately if a supermajority vote is reached (e.g. 9/16)
  • At end of day, "No votes" count as "no one" votes, but will not count towards a mid-day supermajority vote of "no one". The player with the most votes at that end of day, (including "no one") will be lynched.
  • Days can be ended early without a lynch by a supermajority "no one" vote.

IV. Roles/Affixes:

V. Voting:

If you want to vote, use this "[b] vote: player name [/b]"

If you want to unvote, use this "[b] unvote: playername [/b]"


VI. Voting Log:

VII. The Rules:

VIII. Contact:

If you have a question about rules or mechanics, do not ask it in the game. Message me or message soda.

over 8 years
im not going to read any of these long posts from here on out because there is not a single good read on day 1 ever
over 8 years

Stragger says

p4: Initially did not like Oulu trying to dismiss anything being said as merely RVS

I don't see much value in VOTES during RVS on day 1. They're mostly only good for review when we have a scumflip.

Stragger says

Lick continues to be worthless and scummy yet nobody seems to do anything about him. pretty disappointing.

I understand this on principal but not how it's scummy. Having nothing to post isn't scummy by itself. The game just started.

Stragger says

Iceaac had a really crappy start but nothing I wouldn't expect from him really. Null.

Funny because I thought the opposite. His own bout reads to be overall town focused (He focuses a lot on explaining how he hunts) but is ultimately null if you give his scumplay any credit. Good but null, not bad but null.

Stragger says

Gerry's vote on Miku is terrible and she is an easy target, though not nearly the same as Lick who has been actively scummy (yes, I will pigeonhole my scumread throughout this).

And...done. Bigpock is a , and I can say that because it's not on the actual form and on this pastebin.

Your Lick fos is big gripe #1. It feels shoehorned as fu/ck. Big gripe #2 is your complete dismissal of BigPock is also suspect. The only point I see to it is so you can request he be replaced despite a) showing indication of participation and b) actually making towny posts. But I'll give you credit and assume you're not that grimy.

Overall everything I deleted I either didn't care about or liked to a degree. I think we could work well together Stragger.
over 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
im serious these votes on me make no sense. why we voting me. i HAVENT DONE ANYTHING AT ALL
over 8 years

Stragger says

The following are notes and jumbled thoughts I have had thus far reading the game.

p1: Nothing of substance. I instantly came into this game thinking this was going to be like a pseudo-stacked table where people just circlejerk and make idle meta comments or jokes without actually getting to things worth actually mentioning.

Why did you mention this if you had nothing to follow it up with?

Stragger says

I will say though that I struck sincerely as town initially until she made the post capitalizing about how she was town and it seemed really hamfisted.

I thought it was null myself. Humor is humor, scum or town. I don't see where you're getting a "hamfisted" impression. Seems like a buzzword to me.

Stragger says

Gerry's idle comment about tucker is the literal exact thing I was talking about in relation to p1. Dislike gerry already. Uranus is acting strange also, more importantly in the reaction to Gerry. Don't think they're aligned though, so keep that thought in mind.

Inwhat way? I never read anything strange about anything Uranus said. I have a decently strong townread on her. And how does that relate to Gerry? You write off t/t as well as m/m because...?
over 8 years
oh f*ck it they're clearly not PR
Vote: HatsuneMiku99
over 8 years
Why is it that every damn time I disappear from this game a lynch slowly creeps up on me
over 8 years
Oh. I see we moved on. Off to Panda Express. Adios amigos.
over 8 years
I'm going to go ahead and assume there's 4 Mafia because if not that would mean a scum lynch on D1 would lead to a 9-2 split on Day2 and I don't see this being that townsided. Granted I understand 10-3 is the same as 9-2, but to me 9-2 sounds more ridiculous. Also, I think it's just too risky overall to assume here seeing as if there are 4 like I suppose we would be left with 8-4 tomorrow and then we guarantee 6way and 4way, barring a PR save of sorts, should we make it there.
over 8 years

ClaireRedfield says

TRs: Sincerely Lick Uranus (kinda)

ClaireRedfield says

I hard SR Uranus this read will never ever change ever.

over 8 years
oh I thought we had 14 oops lmao. Anyway yeah my other logic stands + it's possible there are four mafia but with less OP PRs (last game, we got lucky and lynched something equivalent to an amnesiac D1).
over 8 years
We had 16 people we have 13 now so I thought 1 less mafia and we don't lose any ml's if we nl w/e no one's doing it no need to go on about it
over 8 years
why would you assume there are 3 mafia this time? Don't we have just 1 less player than the other game? I'm not really feeling up to mathing it RN

Even if there are three mafia, voting no one costs us a ML. You've played EM comp a lot with me so I know you know that. As I was saying, I doubt Jobey would make a setup where it's optimal to NL and gain the ML we lost back with the help of town PRs.
over 8 years
you seem to not be getting the part where I said Assuming there's 3 mafia 13-1=12-2=10-2=8 8 is better then 7 in forum mafia for more people talking more reads and less chances of important roles getting hit if there's 4 maf of course I don't want to nl
Edit: FK
over 8 years
oh I missed your last post LMAO. I'd vote Sonrio but he's afk
over 8 years
If you truly (or... sincerely, I guess) want to NL, why aren't you trying to convince other people to follow? Or are you just hoping no one will get the chance to avoid it?

Reading off who was killed, in my experience, OFTEN leads to town losses anyway, except in the case of vulnerable unccd PRs that shouldn't have claimed and get CCd late, where mafia can't avoid giving off the tell.
over 8 years
....Ew facts AND LOGIC? ewwwwwwwwwwww

Vote Sonrio
over 8 years
This is a closed-roles setup. Jobey AKA voluntaryloser AKA deleted AKA Ian even went into detail about his understanding of the mechanics of closed-roles forum mafia the previous game, which you were in, Claire. You think he'll make a setup where NLing is optimal? Mafia doesn't kill to benefit town, nor are they required to kill at all. If they have PRs, they get to use them. Why waste daystart?
over 8 years
You cant make me :3
over 8 years
over 8 years
Vote no one
over 8 years
Okay fair enough. Basically I guess the disconnect was that I didn't read this

Stragger says

i dont understand what's so great about lick right now, can someone explain it to me?


Stragger says

i looked to someone like you to explain to me why i could be wrong.

Your flippancy betrays you.

Stragger says

oh yeah Uranus while im rapidfire posting why the hell are you saying it's a serious vote when RVS has been done for like five pages now lmao

I just saw this so now I'm responding to it. I just really wanted to throw my vote up but knew I wasn't going to have time to explain it since I had to drive for a bit right after posting that so I wanted it to be clear that I wasn't just going to leave it as a blank vote.
over 8 years
Pretty sure there are 4 mafia and no we aren't NLing please don't suggest that again.
deletedover 8 years
if i were to say anything about lick in regards to his recent posts it's that i wasn't really impressed and only felt he made them because i instigated him. he then had a huge bout of how he disliked something jeff said but it didn't really amount to anything. the sole impression i am getting of lick is that he chose to be useless/filler throughout and only decided to contribute something mildly worthwhile because he was pushed. i don't like it and i apologize if this was not clear to you or anyone else before.