about 9 years


As usual, the SJWbox hive mind makes all of them biased against HRC.




I hope these idiots realize that Bernie will get absolutely nothing done.

Realize that President Obama has not done MOST of what Bernie wants to do.

The ACA has been blockaded SIXTY times by Congress. It has been sent to the Supreme Court twice. What makes you idiots think that an even more expanded healthcare system (which has already increased premiums) will somehow pass Congress?

Do you dolts realize that simply taxing Wall Street transactions and the top 10% will still not be able to pay for free public college education for everyone, let alone healthcare?

EVEN if you taxed 100% the top 10%, you would still not come close to paying for free college.

When will you [redacted] realize that single-payer healthcare is not good? Do you not see how many Canadians get third-party insurance, specifically American ones, because the state-mandated one is insufficient, inefficient, and lacking?

Do you realize that under Bernie's new taxation plan, making $250k-$500k results in a 48% marginal tax (straight from his website) NOT INCLUDING the state and auxiliary taxes, making it a grand-slam total of 70%?

When will you [redacted] learn that Bernie will get NOTHING done?

Even in the debate, HRC burned Bernie in gun control regulations. She successfully made several jabs at his votes in Congress.

EM user peach is just some high school sophomore who says nonsensical things that sound good in SJWbox - eg. "she doesn't answer any questions" - when she did. (Sorry Peach, stick with your bad anime drawings. That'll DEFINITELY help you have a financially stable life.)

This is what made me spurn liberals, specifically due to these [redacted] college and high school kids.

about 8 years
about 9 years
about 9 years
More like Shillary Clinton if you ask me
deletedabout 9 years
Hilary Clinton should be petitioned to be banned from the UK
deletedabout 9 years
Had to google that name cuz I can't be bothered paying attention to anything and those are some gross tats.

Don't forgive her Terry..
about 9 years

BillStickers says

meetterry if zoe quinn apologized for making fck w/ lots of men would u forgive her

about 9 years
wait I didn't read this thread but are you saying MeetTerry isn't a Trump supporter? rofl
about 9 years
I'm bringing this back
about 9 years

MeetTerry says

bdog1321 says

at least you know what bernie stands for lol. what does clinton stand for? whatever's popular at the time

Clinton has been pretty stable for the past 10 years

I think it's OK to change political viewpoints especially when you represent a constituency

Clinton is not stable at all. Do you even know how much she lies about things? She would make Pinocchio jealous.
deletedabout 9 years
when bernie sanders is prez he'll have free weed for us in a spliffy
about 9 years
your prices probably SUCKED

weed should be FREE
about 9 years
Wait you showed up the 20th that you took off or the next year?
deletedabout 9 years

dad says

BOSSES SUCK and if i had a job i'd tell MINE HE SUXKED

he didn't take it too kindly when i showed up on the 20th to try and sell some weed
about 9 years
BOSSES SUCK and if i had a job i'd tell MINE HE SUXKED
about 9 years
meetterry if zoe quinn apologized for making fck w/ lots of men would u forgive her
deletedabout 9 years
two years ago i had to request 4/20 off for legitimate non weed smocking reasons and my manager never trusted me ever again
about 9 years

i just really like this gif
about 9 years

MeetTerry says

UniversalStudios says

You should probably site sources for the drivel that's in the OP.

I honestly cannot tell if you're a sjw or not

an* sjw
deletedabout 9 years
gamergate, more like faker bait
about 9 years

BillStickers says

meetterry why dont you want to talk about gamergate


women aren't really oppressed in games and there are multitudes of games where there are women leads.

women are not an oppressed class in society
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years
about 9 years
meetterry why dont you want to talk about gamergate
about 9 years
he's him
about 9 years

UniversalStudios says

You should probably site sources for the drivel that's in the OP.

I honestly cannot tell if you're a sjw or not