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Please nerf guiser

about 9 years

The new guiser now can edit the victim's will, it is now much better than guiser + forger combo before (forger has 50% chance editing) I win like 9/10 games as guiser in 2016. Game is easy every time after I guised Please nerf

Buff Siren
Buff Admirer
Buff Cupid
Buff Guiser
about 9 years
new guiser is SO much fun
dont please
deletedabout 9 years
this poll is the absolute best

pls buff siren tyvm
about 9 years
you know why guiser works so well now

because it actually works now and nobody questions anything and you like your own posts
about 9 years

Mastergay says

Guiser guises Celebrity N1, makes will look like Mimic, asks for claims, auto-win for maf.

You don't guise n1 cause docs, you make a fake carol d1 first, then guise, edit your will as you like, cause it YOUR WILL, you know how to write it to make the carol looks real, so town will lynch another ones in the carol. The person who dies during the guise night is YOU, not the victim, so there are more strats.
about 9 years

ChaoticDoom says

Guiser is pretty hard to play effectively, and was basically useless with wills. No need to nerf.

That's the old guiser. The new one can change wills
about 9 years
Guiser guises Celebrity N1, makes will look like Mimic, asks for claims, auto-win for maf.
about 9 years
buff or remove forger instead
about 9 years
Old guiser had limited options in setup: you were either forced to include a forger (which doesn't work sometimes), have a no wills setup, or simply hope that people didn't put roles in will (which they always do in real games). Guiser is also countered by password systems, so if whipsering is enabled guiser can lose, and auto clears like tree, celeb, etc.
about 9 years
Guiser is pretty hard to play effectively, and was basically useless with wills. No need to nerf.
deletedabout 9 years
Guiser is easily countered if everyone just claims to a clear(tree, celebrity, naked).
about 9 years
didnt even know it got buffed :s
deletedabout 9 years
admirer needs to become some freakish yandere imo
about 9 years
Guiser should be lynch immune after disguising tbh
deletedabout 9 years
I think that guiser should just erase wills. People can just say who they are in their will and it makes being guiser extremely difficult. If all it does is wipe the will then people will assume that person was just too lazy to write one.
deletedabout 9 years
Guiser is OP. But please do not nerf because it is fun. Thank you admin.