i have to fill 2 games before midnight please help
one of them is disallowed though cuz i know they are gonna throw for me
already have 3 reservations by pm
deleted almost 9 years
2016 is the year of the dihg
i'm gonna play tonight. taking reservations now if you want to sit at my table. queuing when this post turns 45 minutes old.
deleted almost 9 years
its the mark wahlberg of epicmafia setups
deleted almost 9 years
It's a bad setup.
why i hate jan 2.0: the majority of games i should have lost i won, and the majority of games i should have won i lost.
Gerry says Lol. Let's look back at the beginning of this thread and laugh at the people who said Grackis' trophy was legit ok let's do it
Lol. Let's look back at the beginning of this thread and laugh at the people who said Grackis' trophy was legit
Should have had doc on you dude the town that game sukt
lol @ people N1ing me 2 games in a row and then "I didnt fearkill Become I dont fear him lol"
swaggamer420 8m 25s if you would have just listened to me we would've won. you are a terrible player and should ban yourself from ever touching this game again. your life is meaningless and you are talentless in all aspects of your life - even in this game. one day you will lie on your deathbed and realize you have accomplished nothing. i weep for your parents.
deleted almost 9 years
i was playing comp fp and got kicked out... so sad
dzanek1143 says Tbh Janitorial is boring, they should ban most played setups for more rounds and Janitorial should be played after 7 round, not 3, becaue you put 3 most popular setups every 3 rounds and it's boring for some people when some still want to play them ignoring some creative ones. Do I really need to play Janitorial, BV and VDLI all the time because there should be at least one trophy player who adds it and everybody plays it ignoring the rest ones? No, you don't.
Also make the 2yakk setup comped!!! I miss self shrinking LOl