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The admin triumverate

deletedalmost 9 years

Girl power!

almost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years

JeffReid says

Blister says

we're losing this fight gentlemen

hi how are you

good dude hows u
almost 9 years
Time for some leaks
deletedalmost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years

twist says

The penguin is the single best addition to Skype since the dog

No, the monkey is the best hands down
deletedalmost 9 years

twist says

followed closely by the champagne

making ur man go pop like
almost 9 years
i refuse to update skype so i can't experience the penguin
deletedalmost 9 years
followed closely by the champagne
deletedalmost 9 years

Retti says

I nominate blister for mod position so I can make complaint threads about him nonstop

there's already enough women as it is
deletedalmost 9 years
The penguin is the single best addition to Skype since the dog
deletedalmost 9 years
Jeff will you be my moderator campaign manager?
almost 9 years

Blister says

we're losing this fight gentlemen

hi how are you
deletedalmost 9 years
I nominate blister for mod position so I can make complaint threads about him nonstop
deletedalmost 9 years
we're losing this fight gentlemen
almost 9 years
deletedalmost 9 years
almost 9 years

harodihg says

I'm listening to FOX news and apparently praying cured someone's cancer yesterday

I knew it. I knew I was right.
deletedalmost 9 years

Hibiki says

>ian doesn't get posthammered

deletedalmost 9 years
I'm listening to FOX news and apparently praying cured someone's cancer yesterday
almost 9 years
shackalacka boom
almost 9 years
Calvin please don't out that tender moment we had.
deletedalmost 9 years

JeffReid says

Devante says

Fam says

Whats the point of getting de adminned to mod. I would feel embarrassed of the de promotion

you'd feel embarassed for having less power on the internet?


I'm unsure how thats a burn, if you are going to waste your time you might as well aim be the man/woman in charge
almost 9 years

JeffReid says

It's called not wanting Vilden on you 24/7.

hey that's mean krystal's nice
almost 9 years
>ian doesn't get posthammered
deletedalmost 9 years

voluntaryloser says

Calvin says

voluntaryloser sent a message to JeffReid 4d 4h ago
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personal message to jeffreid
i hear u r afraid that i would releak if i were a mod. i ask u to recall john 1:9; "if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." i ask u, jeffreid, for ur forgiveness and opportunity for redemption. i do not forget the words of james 2:10, "for whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it." i admit my failure and corruption. but also remember matthew 6:15; "if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses."


i don't think i've laughed at something on em harder than this